C50_Syren II

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In a swimming pool, submerged underwater. Kim is seated in the lifeguard's chair, which is surrounded by elaborate ornamentation, inside a large air bubble. Syren is swimming around in the water nearby.

As they swim closer, the heroes hear Syren tell Kim that she can turn him into a merman with a kiss, so they can rule their underwater kingdom together forever which sounds yandere-ish to the trio.

Kim has puckered his lips for a kiss, until a thought occurs to him. "Wait! Does this mean I never get to see Mecha Monkeys vs. Cyber Sharks 3?"

Syren is taken aback by this. "What?!"

Aquabug appears, floating at the far end of the room. "Oh, yes you will; don't worry! In fact, you'll probably make it to the next showing!"

Syren is angry at their appearance and interruption.

Aqua Noir swims into the room, with green-finned arms, feet and tail on his costume. "The four of us can go together. I'll even share my popcorn."

Aqua Peryton now with violet-finned arms, feet, and tail on her costume similar to her partners, swims in. "I have nothing to say so let's just fight." She brings out her wand.

Aquabug and Aqua Noir nods, striking fighting poses facing Syren.

Syren lunges toward Aqua Noir, and shoves him back against an upper-floor railing. Aquabug pulls Syren back with her yo-yo, but then Syren pulls Aquabug around in the water instead, until she's close to Kim's bubble.

Aqua Peryton fires a blast of wind at Syren which causes her the villianess to hit the wall. The siren recovers and tries to attack the girl but Aqua Noir appears and fights the girl.

"Your new outfits are so cool!" Kim says from where he is.

"Oh, um, thanks! But tell me, what happened to your friend that got her so worked up?" Ladybug asks the boy.

Kim explains. "We were playing a game of secrets, and I think she was trying to tell me that I'm the boy she likes. But, I was a doofus and didn't realize."

"Game of secrets? What kind?"

"It's a game Ondine invented." He makes explanatory gestures. "You write down a secret and put it inside the bracelet's capsule. It's awesome! You wanna know my secret?"

"The bracelet is our target then." Aqua Peryton and swiftly blows away Syren who is rapidly swimming towards her.

Aquabug uses her special move but with an aqua on the start and a car key appears. "Car keys? I guess we should hit the road, then." She gives her yo-yo, opened up, to Kim. "Here. You can breathe through this."

Kim puts the yo-yo over his nose and mouth and gives Ladybug a thumbs up.

Syren feeling frustrated, stops trying to attack Peryton. She turns to attack Aqua Noir when she sees Kim being taken out of the building by Aquabug. "Kim!" She hurriedly swims toward the exit.

"Hey! We're not done yet!" Aqua Chat swims after Syren along with Aqua Peryton. The swim out of the swimming pool building to see Syren searching for Kim.

Syren spots Ladybug and demands. "Ladybug! What have you done to my prince?!"

"I think he took someone else to the ball."

"I won't let you steal him from me! Kim is mine!" She chases after Aquabug.

Aquabug using her ear-communicator while trying to out swim the villianess. "Ailé! Chat Noir! Are you both all right?"

"All good here."

"Yeah, like a fish in water."

"Great! Now, be ready to strike!" Aquabug swims along until she swims through a car with its doors open on both sides, Syren following until she enters the same car. "Ailé! Chat Noir! Now!"

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