CHAPTER 48: Friends&Family Reunions

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Crocky and I jumped in after Zandile to the back of the truck, a gaffa stood at the foot of the door. We all nodded and saluted at her proving we were just as ready to go as she was. She closed and bolted the doors shut before we all felt the truck take off.

Zandile sighed in relief and anticipation, in fact we all did. Crocky huffed a frustrated sound and loosened his bullet vest then cracked his neck a second later. From the side view I think I saw Zandile's shoulders tense, that rarely happened, so that threw me on edge.

It was just us three at the back of the weapons truck and where we normally talked and strategized, silence dwelled between the three of us. It felt far too unordinary so I decided to break it by asking for progressive details like. "What's really going on at the Blue Roof?"

Crocky glanced away, Zandile pinched the bridge of her pierced nose, letting out a sigh before she replied. "Kaplan supporters intend to set off bombs every second hour, in every Keffa habited corners. We are at wits end because we can't obstruct any of his plans since we don't know where all the accelerators are planted. Elaine believes they are ground up and that her father has enough favor with the purists to make true on this. The only bargain we have to stop him and make him sign the resignation is the Burri you're apparently screwing."

I took it all in and figured it out. "If that's the case that means we were the ones to offer him Lewis in exchange for his co-operation not the other way round?"

Zandile cracked her knuckles but didn't reply. Crocky licked his lips and the two of them exchanged a look that frustrated me, there had to be something else they were keeping from me. I could feel it, the three of us had grown up together, done everything together that included trying to lie to each other or lie for each other.

'Well?" I prompted, calm but maladjusted.

"I made the offer, someone had to consider it." Crocky announced in that hard voice of his that begged to be dared. He shifted in his seat to face me full on and ready to fight for his conviction. "It's a sensible card we have for this to end as soon as possible. Kaplan accepted losing Elaine but he still has his son to carry his legacy or at least the hope for it. Right now Kaplan and the world believes Lewis is in captive, the offer to free his son is something that even he seemed eager to take up."

"Do you honestly expect him to honor that?"

Neither of my best friends replied.

My eyes landed on Zandile. "Did Tiger and Elaine approve this plan?" I asked, heart haemorrhaging because if this plan had their stamp of approval it would mean that...that I'd never be or at least see Lewis ever again. "Did they?"

Instead of answering Zandile banged on the walls of the truck three times, the truck stuttered then stopped. A door rattled from the front of the truck, the three of us were riddled in tense silence then that female gaffa was back opening the doors. "Everything square?" she asked, helmet covered eyes searching all of our faces.

"Barely." Zandile pushed herself up then jumped out and started to close the doors. "I'm going to sit out in the front, see the road better."

As soon as the bolt was in place my eyes landed on Crocky who then admitted with a careless shrug. "They didn't give the stamp but the know. They are also aware of your extracurricular activities with Elaine's little brother. Actually, everyone knows, everyone's talking and none of them have nice things to say about your pairing."

"You're focusing on the wrong thing Crocky."

"Am I?" he demanded then screamed. "He's Burri!"

"So is Elaine and half of your benefactors. Do you look at them with the same judgement you cut to Lewis?"

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