CHAPTER 44: Ever A Good Time For Happiness?

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CHAPTER 44: Ever A Good Time For Happiness?

Lewis Kaplan age 18|

Outside; the sun was red it looked almost brown – like a crusty shade of old orange. It shone from the vast distance covered by the thick smoke polluted air. Hard studded boots marched on the ground with mixed soldiers assuming positions. The cries of the people outside had grown sharper and much more terrified as self-driving police cars shot at them and anything in sight.

"Go help as many as you can from that building, get them back in the building ok?" Zhavia had to shout over the amplified disaster.

For a strong second I stood frozen in place, not knowing what to do exactly. Despite the clear instruction, nothing in any of my war classes had prepared me for the sight before me. People were calling for help, fleeing the mutant military police cars. That were designed to drive themselves and shoot bullets and grenades on the command of a button.

People were dropping like flies with several gunshots lodged into their chests and backs. Zhavia and his team were scattering about getting in selective positions around the taller pillars to strike back at the mutant cars. The mutant cars were upgraded and fully equipped because when one them was blasted by Zhavia's guns it exploded leaving something deadly. A giant black gas that loomed, shriveled and deflated on the ground.

The black threatening gas flowed through the ground until it directed itself to snake up and around the pillars like giant tentacles. Establishing its territory and instilling dominance over the mixed soldiers, so they'd think twice before exploding another mutant car. All that I could remember was that this kind of technology was reserved for war.

Was this war?

How did wars really start?

Could we stand to win it?

Wait, who's we?

A girl bumped into my shoulder and fell, I crouched to help her up but she'd already helped herself to her feet. When she looked up from tightening a strap that held another gun and two knives around around her thigh, I saw that it was Zandile. "Don't just stand there!" she yelled.

I hadn't really realized that's what I been doing.

She straightened up and glanced around the perimeter circled by the remaining ailing police cars that were completing their preparations of reloads. The mixed human soldiers were in full combat, with some firing nonstop at the shiny mutant cars and the others reloading their own firearms.

"C'mon!" Zandile nodded towards the fallen buildings.

I ran with her.

Several small and medium sized explosions shook the ground enough to demolish the building we were making a run for. Ash and the dust of cement drifted across the smoke filled air and into my nostrils as I ran towards the left side of the building to rescue some people that were crying for help in it.

"Wrap yourself in this." Zandile threw a mixed flag scarf over to me. So, I could cover my nose and mouth. "Now help me push this." She put her weight on a heavy stone. That had fallen to enclose the entrance to the building with people trapped inside it.

"Are you pushing!" She shouted.

"I am!" I yelled back.

We both groaned and she called out again, "Push! Push!"

"I'm pushing!" I called back.

"Well push harder!"

I really was pushing my hardest and I understood that with the building now coming down on itself. She feared for the people trapped inside it more than I. She probably knew them.

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