CHAPTER 16: Death By A Thousand Cuts.

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Lewis Kaplan Age 17|

Sitting in such close proximity to him when my body was reacting to his presence the way it was was dangerous. He liked guys too but I knew that didn't change the percentage of my chances with him. I won't lie I'd felt a little hope seep in after he'd claimed so. But it soon started to evaporate from me. I felt it fizzling out and the feeling of it was like death by a thousand cuts to my heart.

To relieve the ache of it and ease my neurosis I shifted a little. Moving away from him, even as everything in me burned hot for him. I shifted and in doing so, our knees brushed and the hair on the back of my neck stood on alert. A tingling sensation had been left behind.

In mimicking my movements, he shifted clearly trying to sit much more comfortably. In doing so, a few things fell from the open pocket of the jeans he was wearing. Amongst the things was an unopened condom packet, which I helped pick up off the ground without thought. I only realized what between my finger a little too late. My cheeks warmed and a nervous smile marked my face as we made eye contact. Eye contact I found unbearable to maintain but didn't want to cower from.

Without much thought I spoke as I was handing it back to him. "Plans for the night?"

He laughed, "The contraceptives are not mine."

I laughed with him even though I had more questions and kind of didn't believe him.

"Is that why you thought I was Crocodile, because you two have a thing going on?"

"No,..." he laughed "I mean the condoms are his but, we're not like that, he's my best friend. Haven't your friends like that kid Tanaka, ever kept you holding a few of their things."

I must've given a look.

"...earlier in the night he pointed to you, told us you were his favorite friend." He explained.

"He said that?" I asked and smiled. I was his best friend friend but I hadn't expected him to introduce me to his other friends as something more than an acquaintance. Given the circumstances. Mentally I noted how I had to get him the best birthday gift in gratitude for his friendship. "So, you're friends with Tanaka too?" I asked.

"No. He's the one who's friends with everyone." he chuckled "boy's square, but you know how it is."

"Yea" I agreed, nervously lying. I didn't know what it was he was talking about.

I watched him wallet the unopened condoms, before sliding it all back in the pockets.

"So, have you ever been with a guy before?" I asked, my voice deliberately low, eyes downcast. Every fiber in my being was very aware of my efforts to flirt.

His face rose - his heart stopping features all right, all fine, proportional, handsome. Amber eyes met mine in a piercing gaze that sent my insides on fire. Suddenly the room seemed too small, he seemed to far from my body and my breathing had to be controlled.

"Not yet." he replied, his deepest voice matching mine in how low it was. The way it dropped, with enough husk, made me think he too was aware of the shift in energy surrounding us.

"You plan to?" I dusted an imaginary hair off his shoulder. The fabric separating my fingers from feeling his skin. Was too thick to help my burning desire.

"Mhh" he nodded, then echoed with "So, enough about me, tell me about yourself?" he said pocketing the other things back into his jeans.

I watched him from under my lashes. His eyes were lit with something familiar, that I'd seen in myself. The familiarity made me feel comfortable enough to place a shaky hand on the back of his neck, slowly drawing his face to mine. Surprisingly his lips were soft and smooth against mine in a gentle kiss. His mouth warm and full of a silent promise to break my heart and ruin me for anyone to come after him.

His tongue held a taste of gin and lime. It was enough to make me feel lightheaded as I fell putty in his arms. We were also alone in that small cave, but in my lightheaded head it felt like it was just the two of us in the whole world.

Nothing else mattered then.

I felt his hand slowly move under my shirt as if asking for permission; my pants hardened at the blissful surprise of skin on skin contact. With him. His hands ran up on my ribcage, then he launched into kneading at my skin. I moaned. Zhavia's physical form was very much like mine, tall, fit for water sports except he had the disposition of a soldier. In the way he carried himself, kissed me and touched my body. A shiver of a delightful sensation slid through my chest and spine. Ultimately making me chase the delicious feel of his skin under a touch of my own. Again, and again ultimately forcing an embarrassing moan to escape my throat into his.

Soon after the touching ended up heated, I was panting, so was he. With our shirts ripped off, his fingertips were much more scorching on my needy skin. It was no wonder I needed him to burn me with all that he could. He seemed to have been spurred on by my moans because no second later he had drawn me onto his lap in a straddling position.

This was my first kiss - my first make out session - not just with him; but with anyone. Ever! So, for a short moment I had frozen when I felt his hands dip into the waistband my jeans to grope my bare bottom. He touched at the flesh, careful, massaging me as though he was testing the quality of me. And then he was groping by my bottom to meet his thrusts, in dry humping. Zhavia, groaned into my mouth.

I responded by sinking my teeth onto the strong column of his neck, lightly biting onto the area. He hissed a low, aroused sound into my hair. I held on his curls pulling his face upwards so I could have better access to the sensitive area on his neck. I was thoroughly enjoying the feel of our friction. We were dry humping, the motion on it, his bare hands disposed into my pants to grope my bare bottom. The way would hiss, the way I was panting for it. It all made me think of intercourse, with him.

His hands tugged on my hips with strength bringing me in, to better rub our clothed crotches together. Through the infuriating fabric of material was his well-endowed hard on rubbing sweetly on mine. I continued to think about sex with him, I thought about sharing with him my first time. Lightness overtook me as I kept up with the motion of contributing to the friction up and down, faster and slow with the seconds spread over hot steamy minutes.

A pleasurable in the moment lightheadedness overtook me. My joints felt weakened, without thinking or really meaning to I pulled on his dark curls a little more harshly for support. He groaned into my neck and flipped me flat on my back with a swiftness and strength of the gaffas that challenged the Constitution. Then he nestled himself between my legs making me moan when our arousals made contact. I bit my lower lip to quiet my noises and opened my heavy eyes to watch him hovering over me. Slowly his amber gaze appraised my aroused body in a way that me feel sexually desired-as if I was sexy. I shuddered under his glistening gaze, visibly shaking with arousal. I burned for him.

"I just realized I don't know your name?" he said, slowing down to the point of almost stopping for an answer.

I lifted on my elbows and pulled him down into submission by means of a hot, hungry kiss. For a moment I thought I had gotten away with divulging nothing about me but then he pulled away again and smiled into a repeat of his question, as his fingers pinched at my sensitive nipple. "Lewis." I gasped with a shudder.

His head lowered on my neck, gifting me a painful pleasure with his teeth, my body trembled.

"Louis, that's such a nice name. I've never met a Keffa with that name before." He said.

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