CHAPTER 28: Put A Gun To His Frown Part 1/2

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Chapter 28: Put A Gun To His Frown Part 1/2

Zhavia Yorush Age 18 going 19 |

The Keffa flag draped around my brother's shoulders as him and his three associates climbed with fierce force atop the old oak tables in the camp's eating area. Ordained gaffas all under thirty-six had pledged an oath to serve Multiblooded people by the time they were sixteen. Each of them ceremoniously took to a knee and fired blanks into the dark night's air.

"Viva Keffa!"

Dylan who was in charge of training the fresh class of gaffas was flanked by Crocodile and I as his assistants. We followed his lead, in turn other youths filling out the camp land followed ours. We sank down to one knee, our weapon of choice in the air by our right's arm. No full blood was in sight so gone was the National Pledge, replaced by our very own Keffa anthem. That we recited every time a dangerous mission was a success. Which was pretty much all of them, especially lately and especially this one, that I hadn't been made aware of initially.


Earlier in the night after leaving Gunpowder's sleazy joint we had tailed the full blood back to his house. Where we creeped outside of his enormous yard and watched them pull up. The girl that could have passed for being a pure breed started stripping the minute they reached the door. He was quick to wrap his hands around her waist, slowly lowering to her ass and left a smack. She laughed and pressed herself tighter against his chest and then he deepened the French kiss. Then they went inside, where he buried his face in her cleavage and enthusiastically closed the door with his foot.

"Pia?" I gestured for the young cadet trainee in communications. "Tell the other teams to get in place, we strike in ten."

Pia, gave me the salute and then she was out.

"Zhavia?" Crocodile faced me and said, "Usually it's your call, but this one. Tonight, it's my bitch to call and you might not approve of...." He paused rubbing his gloved hands in anguished thought.

"You might not approve of the other part of tonight's mission. We didn't tell you in the debrief because we know you don't have the heart for it. But like you said. End justifies the means." Zandile finished for him, clasping the gun belt over her slim waist. Then she faced me with tight lips, daring me to demand details of the night's mission in its entirety.

I unhinged my gun and rolled down the sock on my face "Ok but we have two minutes." I ordered as I jumped out of the car, surveying the yard to find that the other teams had expertly taken to their assumed positions.

Crocky was the first to jump out after me, shaking his head. "Fucking dumb Burri, he's already got his head in her pussy."

Zandile followed, laying the rest of her sock down her beautiful face, "I'm square, you?" She asked already standing in position.

"Square." I positioned my thumb and index finger on the AK. As quietly as possible I squatted into form, one foot in front of the other, I lifted up my fingers for count to everyone's benefit.






Guns pointed we all began the journey of barging into that house. Once at the door I excused myself from the front and gave way to Crocky for his leadership. He looked at me for a moment, from behind his mask I saw the swirl in his eyes. A myriad of gratefulness, hate, appreciation, excitement and an apology were all in the amber shards of his dilated green eyes.

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