imagine #2

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Hey guys, this imagine is for mollyx3. I hope everyone enjoys!

Cam is starting to work out again and this time he wanted you to join. Working out isn't awesome but it isn't bad. You decided to join because how bad could it be?

You and Cam started running and you instantly got hot because you remembered it's 82° outside. At about a mile Cam was sweating a lot. You guys stopped at a crosswalk and waited for the cars to stop. You took out your head phones and turned to see Cam taking off his shirt.

"Wow. We're about 7 minutes in and you already have abs." You said whole poking his stomach.

He smirked at you, "Oh Molly, I'm sure of you take off your shirt well see a little four pack."

"What exactly do you mean by little?"

The stop light changed and the cars beeped for you to go.

"If you run a little bit more I'm sure you'll be able to get a six pack like me." Cam said whole running away.

You sprinted past him, "Catch me if you can!"

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