How Fans Find Out Your Together

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Jack G: You were ready to let the fans know about you together but Jack made you wait until the time he felt was right. That time was when he took you on a date to the beach and he took a pic of you tanning saying "Is it allowed for your girlfriend to look better than you?"

Jack J: It was pretty shocking how people found out. Jack had been traveling a lot lately so it was rare for fans to catch a picture of you two together. But that one special fan managed to do just that and it spread like a wild fire. But it didn't bother either of you because it was the truth.

Shawn: At Magcon Shawn was performing for everyone and as always he was doing great. All the fans are cheering and some are crying.Then with his final sing he dedicated it to all the fans there but also to you, his number one fan. Some how it made you cry too.

Aaron: You were with Aaron at his house and his nephew was over! He is the cutest baby of all time getting his good looks from his amazing uncle. Aaron asked if you wanted to hold the baby and of course you couldn't resist. And out of no where Aaron snapped a shot and posted it on instagram saying "She's practicing for our future."

Nash: Today Nash was babysitting Skylnn and she wanted to have lunch at Chick-Fil-A. When you sat down Sky asked if you could take her to bathroom and you said yes. She held your hand and Nash took a picture to share on twitter saying "They are getting along great."

Cameron: Fans found out through Cameron's best friend, Nash. You were on a date with Cam but Nash and Carter tagged along. Then on Nash's snapchat story Cameron buying you starbucks appeared with the caption "He knows how to please her."

Matt: Matt wasn't scared to tell the fans but you were nervous because the fans are unpredictable. They are nice and all...when they wanna be. But to your surprise you were tagged in a picture from twitter from Matt saying "This is my girl through thick and thin."

Carter: Well some people already knew about your past relationship so ot was no surprise that you two were back together. But what really set it off is when Carter finally tweeted "I can't be her friend forever." Then all the fans went crazy but still excepted you because there wasn't really another choice.

Taylor: Taylor didn't want to keep you a secret. He had been posting pictures with you and tweeting about you. But most fans finalized it when he posted a picture on instagram of you driving him around in his lambo and his caption was "Two of my favorite girls in the world."

Hayes: Last week you went to a school dance with Hayes. Everyone took pictures, danced, and had a good time. Then when you saw all your friends and their dates post cute pictures you felt left out. When you explained to Hayes that you wanted to just let it out he texted you "If he accepts you why wouldn't they."

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