Thinking Out Loud

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Nash: "We found love right where we are.."

Today Nash had a photo shoot with Bryant and Nash thought it would be a good idea if you were in a few pictures with him. So far Nash has been doing really good. But as soon as you got out of the car the rain poured out of nowhere.

"Hey Bryant you wanna stop?" Nash asked.

"I can keep going of you want," Bryant replied.

"Nash I love you but don't you wanna wait for another day?" you questioned.

"I love you too. And I want Bryant to capture or love right here. Please?" And suddenly Nash pulled his puppy dog face.

"Ugghhh fine! But only because you know I can't say no when you do that face!"

Cameron: "Place your hand on my beating heart.."

Sometimes you and Cameron get bored at night so for some reason you guys love to go on late night runs.

"Hey, how long you wanna run this time?" Cameron asked almost out of breath.

"I'm not sure, you wanna stop?"

"No, no, I'm fine."

After about ten more minutes you were starting to get tired too. But then you felt a hand slide down your back and you heard something hit the ground. When you turned around Cameron was laying there.

"OH MY GOSH CAMERON!" Instantly you fell to your knees and made sure he was still breathing.

"Woah that happened? Ouch, my arm. Babe don't cry I'm fine look."

"Don't you ever scare me like that ever again."

Shawn: "Your soul could never grow old.."

For one day, Shawn was taking off from tour and he invited you to hang with him. When you got there Shawn was there with his sister, taking care of her while his patents were out.

"Hey (Y/N) wanna come meet my new pet?" she asked.

"She can't right now Aaliyah, we have things to talk about," Shawn answered for you.

"It's ok Shawn it will only take a minute."

After 10 minutes Shawn gave up to go see what you and Aaliyah were doing. When he turned the corner to the living room he saw you tickling Aaliyah and making her laugh. His heart felt so great to know two of his favorite girls to get along.

Aaron: "Your smile is forever in my memory.."

Early this morning you had to drive Aaron to meet Taylor and Dillon for his flight to Atlanta.

"Here we are," you said as you turned the car off.

"Wanna take a pic before I go?"

"Haha, sure why not." After you took it then automatically texted it Aaron but for some reason this one wouldn't send. "Hey wait."

He looked confused, "What's wrong?"

"It won't send to you."

Aaron took your hand and put your phone down. "Hey, it's ok. Your smile will always be in my head because I never stop thinking about you."

Carter: "People fall in love in mysterious ways.."

While laying in bed a question popped into your head. "Carter?"

"Yeah," he answered.

"Do you love me?"

Carter brought you close to his chest, "Of course I do. Why would you ask that?"

"Why do you love me?"

"Well," he chuckled.

"What's so funny?"

"From the first time you told me the story of how you broke your arm I wanted to learn more about you. And now that I know almost everything about you loving you is a piece of cake."

Matt: "I will be loving you.."

Today Matt was going to the airport to fly to L.A for a photo shoot. While driving a tear escaped from your eye.

"Babe I know you don't have allergies so what's wrong?" Matt asked.

You chuckled and wiped the tear, "I'm gonna miss you."

"(Y/N), I know. But just know that I love you, I'm gonna love you in L.A, and when I get back. Ok?"


Hayes: "Maybe just the touch of a hand.."

"Hayes, remember in school when you ran into me and I bumped my head into the locker and had to go to the nurses office? That was hilarious!" you said.

"Oh wow haha. That was the first day I ever hurt a girl. When I helped you up and felt your soft hand and looked into your eyes, I knew I wanted your number. I just had to figure out a way to make it up to get you to like me without having the memory of me almost killing you haha!" he replied.

"Hahaha! It's ok love, look we're here now."

"That's my favorite part of the story. The part where you fall for me and we finally get together. It was really like a dream come true."

Taylor: "Kiss me under the light.."

Today was filled with stress. School was starting back up and college is tough for you. This evening was so nice and you decided to sit outside to watch the sunset. After the stars appeared Taylor came outside to join you.

"Hey, you ok out here?" Taylor asked.

"Yeah, you missed a very cool view babe," you said as you went to sit down on his lap.

"I think I have a good one just looking at you," he said. He looked at you for a second before he kissed you softly while holding both your cheeks.

Jack G: "Take me into your loving arms.."

You sat on coach, cuddled with Jack. Everything was prefect. Jack by your side made you feel like nothing else mattered but that moment.

"Babe you give the best hugs," you said to Jack.

"Well I think your the best person to give hugs to because you fit perfectly in my arms and in my heart," Jack responded.

Jack J: "I fall in love with you everyday.."

In the car riding with Jack, you started to stare at him. He was such an amazing person because of all he does for people. And it's all he does just to make to happy.

You put your hand on his, "I love you."

He grew a big smile, "(Y/N), everyday I wake up beside you and I roll over to look at you, I think about how much I love you and how happy you keep me and that's why I smile like this."

"Awww, you're such a sweetheart Jack."

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