Favorite thing to do together

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Cameron: Going to the zoo was your favorite date for the both of you. Seeing and learning about all those animals was so much fun. The best part was probably watching Cam do his monkey impression.

Jack J: Watching comedy movies together brings both of you joy because laughing is what the both of you love. Jack loves to hear your laugh and watch you smile. It makes him feel warm inside.

Nash: Making vines together made Nash laugh so hard with you. He thought anything you did was funny. Your dancing, singing, and funny faces. If you were lucky Nash would let you post vines of him too.

Carter: Hanging at his house was so much fun for the both of you. Carter loved to see you eat and interact with his family. Sometimes when you guys were alone he loved to cuddle with you and watch movies.

Taylor: Riding ATV's and dirt bikes while getting dirty happened so often in your relationship. Racing each other in the woods on a summer day gave the both of you such a rush. when the day was almost over Taylor would drive you around one last him while you wrapped your arms around his stomach and lay your head on his back.

Jack G: Going shopping with each other was awesome. Jack loved to see new beautiful clothes on you. He loved to buy you your favorite shoes. When he was in the mood you both would have a mini fashion show in your favorite store.

Shawn: When the stars were perfect outside Shawn would take you to the park to look at them. You would sit on top of his car while he sang and played his guitar. If he saw you get cold he would wrap his blanket around you and hold you.

Matt: Hanging with friends brought the best out of both of you. Matt loved to see you hang with his guys and fit in. You loved to see your friends approve of Matt and see how happy you were with him.

Hayes: Being outside was good enough for the both of you. Sometimes you would spend time at the park. Sometimes you would go in his backyard and climb trees.

Aaron: Driving around together was so soothing. On pretty days you hung you head out of the window and let your hair flow. Aaron loved to see you so happy. Especially because you were happy with him.

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