His Phone Wallpaper

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Jack G: You love to shop. Jack loves to spoil you buy going shopping with you. Of course you love all the stores. One day when you and Jack were shopping you saw a section with the grooviest hats. You thought it would be cute to take millions of selfies with Jack, make a collage, and set it as his wallpaper.

Jack J: You and Jack love to be goofy together. Wherever you two are no matter what you can always find something to laugh about. One time you the Jacks were making a youtube video and you were filming. But you interuppted and sat down next to Jack to show him something funny. Both you and Jack started dying of laughter. After the filming Jack and Jack were editing and he stopped the video of where you two were both laughing, took a picture of it on his phone, and made it his wallpaper.

Aaron: You hate the dentist. Everything about it gives you the creeps. Aaron was with you when you got your wisdom teeth pulled. Sadly, you're the biggest brat when in pain. In the car when Aaron was driving you home you were in the passenger seat with your pajamas on, a blanket wrapped around you, a beanie on, a bunch of cotton balls in your mouth, and gauze wrapped around your face. Aaron said you were the cutest in the picture he took of you that day.

Shawn: Everyone knows Shawn is in love with muffins. A lot of mornings you and Shawn would get a muffin to share before a show or before getting on the road. One day he took a picture of you and his hand reaching for the last piece.

Taylor: Taylor wears mostly adidas shoes. You mostly wear nike. When you and Taylor moved together you automatically lined up each others shoes up next to each other. Taylor took a picture and captioned it "We're so different yet so alike."

Hayes: Football is something Hayes is very dedicated to. You loved to see him throw to the running back and then they score. It gives the crowd and you such a rush! At one of Hayes' football playoff games you brought a huge sign that read "LET'S GO HAYES LETS GO!" Nash was above the stands watching the game and saw you from a far holding up your sign and cheering on Hayes and the team.

Matt: Matt is the last surviving dinosaur left. His imitations of a dinosaur were good at least. Even though it was totally embarrassing and very regretful, you wanted to try the dinosaur imitation. So you ran into the bathroom, and came out with the perfect scretch and body position. But Matt's picture was even more perfect and it looked great on his phone.

Carter: A fan got you and Carter smiling and laughing on a rollercoaster and tweeted it to Carter. Right when he saw it it instantly made it his wallpapaer. Then he showed you.

Nash: You've always been jealous of Nash's eyes. You wanted a different color than brown even though Nash told you your eyes were perfectly fine. But you got colored contacts and took a cool selfie of one of them in and the other out. Nash thought it was cute.

Cameron: Just like any other parent, Cam's mom saved a bunch of baby pics a cam. Before he moved out of his moms house Cam took some of the baby pictures and put them in his old room so he could never loose those specific ones. When Cam first took you to his moms house he instantly showed you the saved pictures. Then he took a picture of you holding one of them and laughing.

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