Chapter 253: Back To That Key Moment ⑨

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Ivan went over to Shang Ke as if bewitched and gently brought him into his embrace. A draconic aura spiralled out, turning into a pair of golden dragon wings which crossed and enclosed in front of his body. The strong muscles let out a metallic color under the light, looking like a god.

尚可忍不住在他手臂上掐了掐,果然皮糙肉厚, 硬度惊人。自己拒绝了系统提供的羽毛效果,这个男人倒是风骚地把翅膀显摆出来了。

Shang Ke could not help but pinch his arm. Sure enough, the skin was rough and the muscles were thick, the hardness was astonishing. He had rejected the feather effect provided by the system, yet this man displayed his wings so coquettishly.

伊维的大手落在尚可纤细的腰肢上, 炽热的温度直透肌肤,灼灼的目光扫过他的眉眼,霸道而强势的气息将他牢牢锁定。

Ivan's large hand fell on Shang Ke's slender waist. The hot temperature penetrated through the skin and Ivan's burning gaze swept past his eyebrows. His dominant and strong breath locked him firmly.

龙族旺盛的精力和强烈的欲念,似乎和这个男人的力量一起觉醒了。仅仅只是靠近,便无法抑制内心的渴望, 隔着衣物也能感受他的硬度。伊维没有迟疑太久,托起尚可身体,将他压在树干上, 解开自己的束缚, 强力推挤而入,以极其熟练的技巧开始激烈运动。

The dragon's vigorous energy and strong desire seems to have awakened along with this man's power. Just by being close, it is impossible to restrain the desire in his heart. Shang Ke could feel his hardness even through the clothing. Ivan didn't hesitate for long. He lifted Shang Ke's body, pressed him against the trunk, undid anything blocking the way and pushed in strongly. Then, he began to exercise intensely with proficient skill.


"Not here..." Shang Ke panted, "The little elves..."


Ivan's pupils shrink slightly. He released his draconic aura, instantly setting up a separate area and blocking all the little elves who were running over to meet Shang Ke outside.


Shang Ke glared at him, but his eyes were filled with lust and was not intimidating at all. It only made someone even more excited, "You belong to me alone now, no one can disturb." He wanted to possess him, penetrate him, and fill his body with his taste again until they were fully exhausted and the night became day...


The news of the failed sneak attack operation caused a great shock within the specters' ranks. Although it was only a test operation, they have sent all the elites. Even if it failed, it shouldn't be to the point of a complete loss. However, the result was that all those involved in the operation were taken captive and no one was spared.


This undoubtedly alarmed the specters, making them clearly feel the threat from the Elven Holy Land for the first time.

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