1 - Someii Private Academy

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- Part 1: Begin! -

You sat hunched over your desk, hair covering your eyes as you subconsciously tapped the pencil in a completely silent room.

Your friend turned around, politely silencing you so as to not disturb others.

The class was currently filling out forms that would decide their future, everyone deciding their high school path and top three schools.

Someii was a national school, one that had a high school as well, so you didn't have to worry about much. However, you'd set that as your last resort, should your plan fail.

"Sorry, I hope I didn't distract you Tenya," you whispered to your friend before scribbling down a few notes on your forms.

"Times up ladies and gentlemen, you will have time to review this until Friday," the teacher announced, standing up, walking around to collect the forms from students that had already finished. "We're free for consultations any time, and we can write a final recommendation letter."

He strode back to his desk, neatly piling the forms in his drawer before facing the students.

Their third and last year of middle school had just started, the tense sense of pressure hanging around them as they pushed themselves to get into the top schools.

"So far everything's looking good, I only need the forms from our two class representatives," the teacher concluded as he flipped through the papers one last time.

Murmurs filled the classroom as heads turned to face you and your friend. Both of you had numerous options, each coming from a family of heroes.

However, while one was proud of his lineage, the other concealed hers, too scared to speak up.

Of course, their classmates knew about the duo's capabilities, but it was rarely a conversation topic.

"Sensei, I'm done," you scoffed, annoyed that the attention had been drawn onto you. Not bothering to do anything about it, you stalked up to the front desk, deciding to give your classmates a show if they were going to watch.

The teacher smiled at you, taking the form and quickly scanning it, his eyes widening with every line he read.

He set down the paper, polishing his glasses before looking at the form once more.

"L/N-San, are you sure?" He asked.

"Are you doubting my capabilities?" You smirked, to which a few of your classmates snickered.

"Not at all, L/N," the teacher chuckled, much to the surprise of your classmates. "You're by far the most capable of achieving this goal, however I advise you to have a backup plan."

You smiled and nodded at the suggestion before walking back to your desk.

L/N Y/N was a powerful girl. Her classmates hadn't seen her quirk in action, however they knew of the damage it could do. To accompany her power was smarts and ambition that allowed her to overcome most opponents.

Her classmates respected her, though she didn't have many friends and was more acquainted with the students she'd known since her childhood.

Iida Tenya, on the other hand, was the second class rep and someone who got along with Y/N. The two of them had been friends since elementary, finding comfort in their introvercy.

He was a voice of reason to accompany her ambition, both smarts unmatched in when put together.

The tall boy walked to the front desk to hand his form, nervously scrunching his eyebrows, still unsure of his decision.

"Iida-San, surely you want more than just one school on your list?" The teacher asked, to which the class murmured in surprise.

The entire class was well aware of Iida's dream to enter U.A and continue his family tradition, however it was rumoured to be a difficult school to enter, partially due to the entrance exams.

"I'm sure, Sensei," Iida nodded, smiling at the teacher.

Iida returned to his desk, sending you a curt nod before sitting next to you.

"You don't have to tell me you applied dummy, I already knew," you chuckled, punching his shoulder slightly. "It was obvious."

His eyes widened at your revelation, though he smiled and let it be, well aware that you could read him like a book due to your lifelong friendship.

"Homeroom is still ten more minutes, if you wish to discuss your forms or complete homework, you can do so," the teacher announced, leaving the classroom to file the papers.

You turned to Iida, knowing that he'd completed all homework, giving you enough time to talk.

"So, U.A, huh?" You asked, leaning back. "Someii might be the last school we attend together."

Iida looked up at you in surprise and confusion, wondering what made you say such a thing.

"Don't get me wrong, my entrance to U.A is guaranteed, but that's it. Going to a school like that won't be satisfactory," you continued, twirling your pencil in your hand. "So, I applied to Shiketsu and Ketsubutsu as well."

"But they're the biggest competitors of the west," Iida marveled, amazed by your ambition. "Did you get recommended?"

You shook your head at the question, setting the pencil down.

"I only got recommended to U.A, the rest I applied," you sighed. "My family knows, of course, and they're fine with my reasons."

Your family and the Iida family were closely tied, due to being neighbours and of the hero origin. The two of you had first met when you stole Iida's bucket and shovel to build a sandcastle.

Poor boy was chasing you up a tree for hours after that.

You smiled at the memory, glad that you'd befriended the uptight boy. He'd brought the best out of you, and you did the same to him.

"Y'know, I don't know if I'm gonna transfer, but I know I'll miss you," you smiled over at your friend, thankful for the years you'd spent together.

While you were well aware that you would only agree to attend U.A if you'd gotten a scholarship or high scores in the other exams, Iida didn't know that, and he didn't need his hopes crushed even further.

A/N: this fic will probably have minimal angst bc it's kami but idk

Y/N 🤝 Iida
Only being soft around each other

QOTD: favourite author?

Have a great day/night :)

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