28 - An Old Friend

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You braced yourself as you stood in front of the hospital door, hoping your relationship was much like it was before the real world was brought harshly to your face.

Knocking, you entered quietly, a beautiful lady with long white hair sitting in her chair, grey eyes the shade of the same storm you saw in her son's eyes.

"Rei-San?" You asked, stepping in, hoping she'd recognised you. "It's me, Y/N."

She simply gaped at you as you set your bag down and helped clear the room. It was mildly messy, something you were never used to in the time you were in her presence. Just then you realised how much of a toll life in the mental hospital had taken on her.

"Rei-San, your room is so empty, I'll get you flowers, I know you like them," you mumbled as you set one of the photo frames straight.

Just like all others in the room, this photo frame too was empty. The lady didn't hold any memories of her past life, refusing to let people in or out.

"Y/N," she whispered, eyes watery as soon as she'd fully registered your presence.

'Come back please,' you'd cried, hoping the lady with the most serene smile would return to hold you in her arms, tell you it was just a bad dream.

"You came back to me, my darling firefly," she choked out, causing you to finally go to her to give her a hug.

"Like a moth to fire," you reassured, squeezing her gently as she cried into your shoulder.

"You and Shoto, you're both so strong," she sniffled. "Both forgiving me after everything I did, even visiting me when you have families of your own."

"Rei-San..." you mumbled, running your fingers through her hair. "My mom she- she sends her regards. You were one of her favourite people."

The white haired woman instantly shot up, fear filled eyes meeting your own cold ones. E/c eyes that used to harbour so much joy, only to become as cold as the steel Rei's eyes depicted. How hadn't she noticed earlier?

"Yuma," she gasped, tears welling up in her eyes once more. "No wonder she never answered my calls."

"I'm sorry," you whispered, holding her tight. "When did you get your phone?"

"Less than a year ago, I tried reaching out but I never got a response," she mumbled, pulling away briefly. "How- how did Yuma-"

You gulped, holding out your right hand. On it danced a small spark that grew to be a miniature dragon.

"When I discovered my quirk, the heat from it was painful," you recalled. "I got it later than most kids, at age 5. But did you know, heat can burn?"

"My son, two of them, they both suffered the consequences of fire," she whispered. "If you ever get children, please teach them to be wary."

"I will," you reassured, clasping her hand. "But I originally had my dad's quirk and my body wasn't built for heat. My mother passed her quirk to me and ended up burning to ash in my arms."

"You never bothered to question why she wanted to pass her quirk to you?" She asked.

"I did, I asked the heroes, but none had information," you sniffled. "I was just another child, she was the number 2 hero. She was more important, Japan needed her."

"Y/N, you may have been too young to understand this at the time but all your mother's fairy tales had a meaning," Rei soothed. "Remember your least favourite one? It was the only one with an ending so sad where you couldn't even speak to your mother for days."

"Yeah, the two twins," you whispered, remembering the story your mother once told you to warn you about quirk use.

This set of twins in particular were playing heroes and villains, attacking each other with their newly gained quirks. Mostly, it was fine because they both had heat based quirks, though one attack went all too far and killed both the user and the victim.

"Your two elder brothers, both of which died in extreme overuse. You must understand the reasoning behind your mother not wanting to see another child die due to her quirk," Rei mumbled, to which your eyes widened as you nodded shakingly. "You were never alone Y/N, you always had people looking out for you. Whether they're around or not anymore doesn't matter, because knowing Yuma she would never let you walk the face of this earth alone."

A child so powerful that neither parent fully understood the development, yet so reckless that she would never be taught even if they learnt.

"You were born with everything and lost it all, yet you've still come so far on your own," she reminded you. "Your life was anything but easy and you're still kind to others. I know I'm not your mother and I never will be, but I'm proud of you L/N Y/N."

You gasped as she uttered those last words, only having realised now how much you cared about her.

"Thank you," you whispered, wrapping your arms around her neck once more. "You have no idea how long it's been since I heard that."

The lady ran her fingers down your hair, reminding you much of the first time she'd done so once you got attached to her.

"I must ask you once again, please take care of Shoto and send Yuma my best regards," Rei smiled, pressing a light kiss to your forehead.

"She always loved you, wishing she could've done something against Enji-San," you whispered, standing up. "I'll write you letters, and I'll let my mom know that you're safe."

You had seen the situation families were in if they weren't sure if their loved ones would survive. Rei had seen everyone in your family die, a short spark that left the world all too soon.

"Stay safe?" She asked, clasping your hand one more time.

"Promise," you smiled, letting go, an answer Rei was satisfied with as long as you were honest to yourself and stuck by it.

And you never lied.

QOTD: who do ya'll think Y/N should intern with?

QOTD pt 2: thoughts on Y/N and Rei interaction + backstory?

Have a great day/night!

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