8 - Costume Change

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You made your way outside into the school yard, taking a seat underneath a tree. It was a shady spot, filled with greenery and a surprising lack of people.

"Oh you're here," Todoroki grumbled, standing opposite you.

"Yeah, I was disappointed too," you scoffed. "You gonna sit or not?"

Todoroki sighed, though opted to take a seat.

You continued eating your rice and curry, watching as the half and half boy unpacked his lunch in silence.

The two of you might've been friends ten years ago, but times had changed. Reminding yourself that he wasn't a friend every time you looked at him took all too much energy.

"I asked my father," Todoroki began.

You looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. Todoroki was never one to start a conversation, especially when it included his family.

"He remembers you, your mother as well," he continued. "Claimed that she was an extremely powerful ally."

You sighed, setting your lunchbox down. Leaning against the tree, you looked at the boy next to you.

"They were best friends," you mumbled.

'Y/N, no matter what happens, find yourself a friend more powerful than you,' she'd whispered, holding you in her arms as the house burned around you.

"A powerful duo, friends with All Might as well," you continued. "But the times have changed."

One died.

The second was nationally revered.

The third?

He chased an unachievable dream to prove to himself that he wasn't weak.

That he hadn't been too weak to save her.

"I suppose you're right," Todoroki agreed. "Why did you abandon your last name?"

You sighed, closing your lunchbox. You'd been lucky that you'd gotten there early, that way you'd finished most of your lunch before losing appetite.

"You're part of a major family, everyone knows you as the son of the number two hero," you reminded, getting up. "You think I want to be known as the Dragon Heiress?"

A simple question, but one that had evidently struck a chord in his brain. His eyes lit up briefly before returning to their usual dim state.

The same dim state they'd been in since that day he'd lost his mother.

You smiled softly, leaving him alone and walking off to class.

All Might, or Toshinori Yagi, had been a good friend of your mother. You'd met him often when he visited Nezu, though each time he looked more sickly than the last.

"Y/N, you're here early," Iida smiled.

"You know how I am with punctuality, Tenya," you scoffed, coldly pushing past him.

'Protect everyone you love, but don't forget to protect yourself,' your father had advised you.

He didn't listen to his advice.

The body was found later, completely broken. Your mother was alone with you.

A minute later and he could've survived.

Time was crucial.

"Right," Iida mumbled, looking down. "Are you alright, you seem more distant than usual."

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