23 - Emancipation

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As soon as they received permission to start, Todoroki created an ice pillar, one that came in Midoriya's direction at a high speed, which the greenette instantly crushed with his newly obtained quirk.

"And he broke his finger again," you scoffed. "Though something tells me, Shoto can't win with just his ice anymore."

Midoriya flicked his index finger filled with One for All at Todoroki again, before he could react and create a second ice wave. The boy was nearly pushed out of bounds, only stopped by a wall of ice he'd created behind him last minute.

Todoroki stood up once more, placing his right hand on the ground, ice flooding the small square the two stood upon as Midoriya desperately tried to avoid it, only to get his foot stuck in it.

"Deku can strategise, but that's it," Bakugo grumbled. "He can't fight for the life of himself."

"Bakugo-kun, respect your classmates!" Iida reprimanded, to which you shook your head at him, signalling him quietly to let it go.

"Aww man, the match already started!" Another voice complained. "How much did I miss?"

You turned to see Kaminari standing at the aisles, small bandaids on his face to cover the scratches that had come with crashing onto the ground.

"Not much, just Shoto using his ice as usual," you shrugged, subconsciously moving over to make room for him.

He stifled a smirk, though sat down inbetween you and Bakugo nonetheless.

You watched as Midoriya shot another wind pressure attack at Todoroki, effectively breaking another finger, before freeing himself from the cold grip of the ice.

This exchange continued, and it wasn't long before Midoriya's right hand was completely broken as he taunted Todoroki.

"Shame we can't hear what's going on down there," Kaminari mumbled.

You glared as you squinted at the two figures, trying to make out what they could've been saying with Todoroki's body language.

"I can't understand anything either, and Shoto is very easy to read," you sighed.

Midoriya and Todoroki charged at each other, one angered while the other was determined, leading to a fist fight in which the greenette landed two hits on the other.

"Frostbite," you whispered, noticing as his side effect began to kick in.

"Are quirk backlashes all power related? The stronger you are the worse the side effect is?" Kirishima asked from behind you.

"Either way, Todoroki and Bakugo, man you guys are like machines sending out one attack after another," Kaminari commented.

"It isn't that simple," Bakugo sighed. "Run too much, you'll run out of breath. Over-exercise and you'll have muscle pains. It's the same with quirks, they're a part of you whether you like it or not. The only one that doesn't make sense is Heiress, who wasted her power and used it freely, without crumbling."

You turned your focus to the battle in front of you, where the two were arguing with each other. Suddenly, fire glowed on Todoroki's left shoulder as the embers finally sparked up.

'I'll never use it,' he sobbed, clutching onto you.

You were both young, with him having discovered his quirk already while you were still quirkless. However, you still trained with Endeavour, improving your physical strength.

Though, unlike with young Shoto, he never hit you, leaving you room for mistakes.

'Shoto,' you comforted, patting his head. 'She didn't want to, please don't stop using your fire.'

'She called it ugly, that it reminded her of him!' He choked out.

Nearly 10 years since you'd seen the beautiful flames the two of you would play around with as you were kids. And now, he was going back on his promise, using his left side, and in battle nonetheless.

You cracked a smile as you saw the flames, glad that someone had finally gotten him to change his ways.

"SHOTOOO (A/N: if you didn't hear that, you're lying) !" You heard Endeavour yell from the bleachers one over from where you were sitting.

Todoroki suddenly activated his ice with his feet as well, the cold from it only fuelling the danger of the flames as Midoriya jumped towards him, the two powers of wind pressure colliding with each other.

Your eyes widened as you realised that the amount of wind generated through both Todoroki's ice and Midoriya's quirk would be enough to nearly fuel a nuclear blast.

"Get down!" You yelled, watching everyone who could hear you follow your orders and pass it on, as the duo broke through the walls Cementoss had created.

You shakily stood up once you saw the fiery blaze in the sky dissipate, only to see Todoroki standing, barely conscious while Midoriya was being carried away by the hospital bots sent by Recovery Girl.

"That was one helluva match," Kirishima gasped, breath hitching as the adrenaline raced through his veins, expecting a response from you.

However, you'd already jumped the fence, making your way onto the arena to speak to both Todoroki and Midoriya.

"Y/N-Sama," Todoroki gasped as soon as you made your way towards him, collapsing in your arms. "Let go, I can walk."

"Shoto you need medical treatment now, I'm not letting you go," you hissed, grabbing him and dragging him behind the bots that had taken Midoriya away.

"My fire," he croaked out, barely able to string a sentence together.

"It's alright, she doesn't hate you," you mumbled. "She never did."

As you took the younger boy to the nurse's office, he slowly began losing consciousness, falling limply into your arms.

"Y/N," a voice greeted you in the halls, causing you to jump with brief surprise.

"Toshinori-kun," you nodded, waiting for him to say something.

"You shouldn't have picked a fight with Endeavour," he sighed. "No matter how much he insults your mother, Yuma-chan wouldn't approve of you unnecessarily getting into fights."

"Might I remind you on how I'm alive myself?" You scoffed, walking past. "I believe my mother has no say on my recklessness."

All Might sighed as you walked past, the sight of you holding Endeavour's son being one that was very familiar to him.

"You're a lot like your father, Y/N."

A/N: more Todoroki interaction!!

QOTD: thoughts on the meaning behind this time's last line?

This chapter honestly wasn't too special, but it's the first time I've gone in detail for the Tododeku match and it's great

Also, we're exactly on track with the anime rn, this would be episode 23

Thoughts on a 25th chapter special (if it isn't mid match) ?

Have a great day/night!

The Subtle Smell Of Fish (D. Kaminari X Reader)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon