4 - Welcome to U.A High!

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A week later, all your exam results had returned, along with the school uniforms. Of course, should you choose not to go to the school, you were to return them.

Needless to say, you passed all three exams with flying colours due to your persistence, making it in the top three in each one.

You smiled, opening your bedroom window to catch Iida's attention.

"Y/N, how are you?" He smiled, orange juice in hand. "Would you like a cup?"

"Always the gentleman," you laughed, shrugging the offer off. "Did you get your results?"

Iida's expression fell at that, as he was reminded once again that you might leave him. However, he regained composure almost instantly, as he walked in to get his letter.

"Don't be too surprised if you hear it talk, letters do that now apparently," he mumbled, handing you the form.

A disc fell out, almost falling into the gap between your houses, though you caught it luckily.

"Jeez, I thought the letter was going to talk, not a disc," you sighed in relief, glad that his admission hadn't gone down the drain.

You opened your hand, watching as Nezu explained the point system and how Iida had scored. Once he was finished, the screen went black.

"Good job," you awed, slipping the disk back into the envelope.

"Yeah but I only got fourth place," Iida grumbled, annoyance showing. "I assume you must've gotten your results as well, since we promised to show each other on the same day?"

You nodded, happy that he'd remembered the detail as you brought out your three letters.

"Now I just need to make a choice," you mumbled, handing them over.

"First place in Shiketsu?" Iida astounded. "Passing recommendation itself is rare, especially due to the competition. If you got first there, I suggest you take it up."

"Tenya I'm not leaving you behind," you laughed, flicking his forehead. "I got what I wanted, I'm staying here. This is my home too."

Iida looked up at you, happiness rimming over his eyes as you stated your plan.

"Yes, I suppose that's true," he grinned, handing you your forms.

"It's already spring break, can you believe it?" You asked, leaning over the edge of the window. "We'll be at U.A in a month!"

A month that came by too soon.

You'd sent all other uniforms back to their owner schools, and wore the U.A uniform that Monday morning as you waited for Iida.

Students received packages in which they could choose their preference. The standard options were a pant and a skirt, short or long sleeved, short or long tie, and a blazer or a vest.

Of course, if there were other requests that the student had due to mutant quirks or comfort, U.A tried its best to fulfill those wishes.

So, you stood outside your house, fully dressed as you waited for Iida to finish his breakfast.

"Sorry to keep you waiting," Iida apologised, rushing out to see you already standing there.

"Wasn't too long," you shrugged, following his footsteps to U.A.

The two of you lived in walking distance from it and had memorised your way to the great school, often jogging there in the mornings.

With the way being familiar to both of you, you made it early enough to catch your seats before the classroom filled up.

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