25 - A Firefly's Dream

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You sat in the bleachers, watching Kirishima and Bakugo fight each other, the match switching between quirks and a fist fight.

Bakugo was slowly getting worn out, you noticed as he held his hand in pain. However, Kirishima wasn't much better off, his skin softening once more as the previously hardened areas were now covered in a rash.

"Well, this match is gonna end soon," you sighed, standing up. "I'm off to the waiting room."

Uraraka, Iida and Kaminari nodded at that, watching you leave. Suddenly, you ran into Midoriya on your way there.

"Y/N-Sama!" He yelped.

"Midoriya-San, how was surgery?" You asked nonchalantly, to which he just shrugged and stayed neutral.

Accepting the answer, you let him go, continuing on your path. Your next fight was with Todoroki, someone you hadn't sparred against since you were kids.

Sighing, you waited in the halls, watching the match from the aisles before Mic would call your name.

"Y/N," a familiar voice grumbled.

"Enji-San," you scoffed, glaring at him as you stood up.

"You're fighting my son next round."

"Thanks for telling me, I didn't know how to read," you responded without missing a beat, causing him to sigh in frustration.

"Y/N, I want Shoto to succeed just as much as your mother would've wanted you to succeed. But I want him to win as well," Endeavour explained.

"You want him to use his fire, so that you can get a sense of satisfaction that he isn't rejecting you," you spat out. "He was never rejecting you, it was himself all along! I won't decrease my performance level just for some boy who performs at half his ability. Either he uses his fire or he doesn't, but it doesn't matter because I will win."

"Don't speak to me with disrespect," Endeavour scolded out of instinct.

"You'll be spoken to with my respect when you earn it, but for that you'll have to show some to me and to Shoto," you scoffed, right as your name was heard over the PA. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a match to win."

You stepped out, watching Todoroki do the same, his gaze falling behind your shoulder and landing on his father.

Sighing, you waited for Midnight to give the verdict to start, turning your right foot outwards to defend yourself.

"You may begin!" Midnight yelled, which was instantly followed by a large wave of ice that Todoroki sent.

Your eyes widened at the size of it, noticing that it had enlarged compared to Todoroki's previous matches. Before you could blink, you were encapsulated in the ice, the only hope of escape being the warmth you radiated.

"Try and freeze me again and we'll see who's still standing," you snarled as the ice finally melted around you, the trademark glow of the L/N family flickering between your eyes and palms.

Todoroki clicked his tongue, sending another ice wave, one that was much smaller this time and therefore easier to evade.

You jumped across it, effortlessly sliding across the ice to meet Todoroki on his side.

"What, did my father brainwash you into getting me to use my left?" He scoffed, preparing another wave of ice.

"I know your father better than you may think I do," you mumbled, melting the ice off his hands.

The two of you were now fighting in an arena a quarter of the original size, both so close that even moving an arm the wrong way could result in being sent out of bounds.

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