9 - Let's Talk Strategy

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You were all quick to change, eagerly standing at Ground Beta, in front of a simulated city.

Most claimed that this was the same ground they'd done their entrance exam in, not that you'd recognise it of course.

"Looking good, young zygotes!" All Might boomed, grinning at all of you.

You looked around to see everyone wearing brightly coloured costumes, most matching their quirks or personalities. The only other ones with a darker theme were Kaminari, a girl with short purple hair, and a boy with a bird head. But even they had some colour.

"Your exercise is a hero vs. villain simulation, in which you'll be in pairs. Infiltrate the base and defuse the bomb," All Might began. "Groups will be decided through lots!"

Iida was quick to interrupt, confused about the practicality of lots.

"In a real hero situation, we wouldn't get time to decide our partners either," Midoriya pointed out. "We take a sidekick maybe, and whoever else in on the field."

"So it's preparation, I see," Iida mumbled.

"So all we need to do is compromise the opponent within the given time?" You asked, flexing your fingers. "Seems easy enough."

"It's kind of anticlimactic after yesterday's lesson," Tsu pointed out.

"Anything is anticlimactic after Aizawa's shitshow," Kaminari whimpered.

"Well uh yes, I see you get the point," All Might quivered, opening his flashcards as he mumbled to himself.

"Guess he isn't the number one teacher," someone snickered from behind you.

"Right, off to the monitoring room!" All Might grinned. "We'll be drawing the lots there! Of course, there will be one group of three."

Everyone lined up in seating order, pulling out the letters that would decide their group.

You pulled out A.

Turning around, you looked over to Uraraka and Midoriya, both of whom looked shit scared.

"Relax, I don't bite," you groaned. "Unless you're into that shit."

Both instantly sputtered, choking on their spit as a bright blush bloomed on their cheeks.

"Warning please?" Midoriya whimpered, to which you rolled your eyes.

"And the first battle is..." All Might announced. "Team A as heroes and Team D as villains!"

You looked over to see who Team D was, only to regret it.

Iida and Bakugo were on your opposing team, making the entire situation a lot more difficult.

"You get 10 minutes before the heroes are allowed in, since they're a group of three," your teacher explained shortly as you made your way out.

The three of you stood in front of the building, studying a map that had been given to you.

"Ok, we have a map, communicators and tape," you sighed. "We have ten minutes to strategise, let's use it."

Both Uraraka and Midoriya nodded at that, the greenette laying the map out in front of you.

"Kacchan is an angry person, he'll go after me directly, so I can be used as bait," Midoriya began.

"Who's Kacchan?" Uraraka asked.

"Oh! Bakugo," Midoriya responded.

"Alright, so he'll go after you," you mumbled. "Bakugo doesn't seem to like cooperation, which Tenya values a lot, so he'll be left guarding the faux-bomb. What're your quirks exactly?"

"Mine's called Zero Gravity," Uraraka explained. "I nullify gravitational effects on anything, but that causes my ear canal to be messed up slightly, causing nausea."

"My quirk's a power amplifier," Midoriya rushed, pupils dilated.

You narrowed your eyes, feeling heat radiating from him as he tried to prevent himself from sweating.

"If you say so," you shrugged. "I have a power quirk as well, though it's not just punches and kicks. Midoriya-kun, you deal with Bakugo. Uraraka-chan, you deal with Tenya. He'll be too into it and might not see you. Any questions?"

"What about you, L/N-Sama?" Midoriya asked.

You glared, clenching your fist.

"You're Tenya's friend so you get a second chance, but speak my last name again and we'll see what happens," you hissed.

"Sorry!" He yelped. "It's a force of habit."

You sighed, well aware of the habits of shyer people. Many felt uncomfortable calling you by your first name due to the formalities, so no matter how many times you insisted, they felt queasy. However, they always agreed, some even becoming acquaintances through middle school.

"It's fine," you sighed before pointing to an area on the map. "This area is a blind spot for our opponents but an area where we can see everything. Whoever conquers the areas first wins. That's most likely where the bomb is situated."

Midoriya's eyes widened in realisation as he looked up at the tall building, locating the area in comparison to the floor plan.

"I'll head there first, I know Tenya's fighting techniques," you continued. "This is all assuming that that's the location, though I need you both to split up and work together. Uraraka-chan, try and find anything you can float, though I doubt they'll be there."

The duo nodded as you pocketed the map, all of you connecting your comms to each other.

Since you'd had them in already, so that All Might could record your training exercise, the class could hear most of your strategy. The only part left was linking your comms so that distance wouldn't be an issue.

"Y/N-Sama, are you sure about this?" Midoriya asked.

"It's too late to back out now, ten minutes are over soon," you sighed. "One last point. I can read heat signatures, so I'll warn you if I sense Bakugo nearby."

Midoriya nodded, flexing his arms and stretching his legs as Uraraka did the same.

"Team A, you may enter now!" All Might ordered through your comms.

"I'll stay out here, my entrance will be delayed," you informed, placing a hand on the building wall. "Good luck, Team A."

Midoriya and Uraraka looked at each other nervously before rushing in.

You were well aware that neither was adept in their abilities, or particularly confident. Therefore, you dumped both of them in a more realistic situation and worked from the background.

Though background work was rarely possible for a hero.

Your eyes widened as you recognised a familiar heat signature, one that left the blind spot you had pointed out.

"Midoriya-kun, watch out!" You yelled, rushing into the building.

And the sight you saw was one that annoyed you to hell and back.

QOTD: thoughts on Y/N being a good strategist?

Fun fact: Y/N was originally supposed to be a character with a lot of anxiety, depression and trauma. She still has that, except it's less obvious now and it'll be a slow burn in backstory revelation

Speaking of slow burns

QOTD pt. 2: should this be a slow burn or more fast paced?

Have a great day/night ♡

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