14 - Encounter with the Unknown

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"Villains," you hissed, clicking your tongue in distaste at the sight of them.

You stood close to the front of the group, Midoriya and Iida both flanking you as they understood the situation.

"Y/N keep in mind this might be another training exercise, we've been threatened with expulsion before," Iida reminded you, squatting down so that he could acquire maximum speed if he had to run off.

"Either way, we need to fight like our lives depend on it," you retorted, clasping your hands together as you readied your fighting stance.

Both of the boys by your side nodded as you watched more and more villains come out of the portal, some of them mutations with an exposed brain, others functioning people. The last to exit, was a smoky figure with a metal clasp around his neck.

The smoke was the same as the portal, flowy and misty yet evidently dangerous.

"So he's the one controlling the portal," Midoriya muttered, to which you nodded.

"Greetings, heroes and students of U.A High," a hoarse voice began, which you located as the light blue haired man with scratch marks littered upon his neck. "We are the League of Villains, come to kill All Might."

Your eyes widened as your classmates broke out in clamour, most losing their balanced stance due to it.

"Stay calm, we just need to slow them down and evacuate," you reminded. "We have pros on our side, remember?"

"She's right, we must exit quickly and alert as many people as we can," Thirteen instructed, ushering you all over to the gate, leaving Aizawa to deal with the villains.

"Sensei!" Midoriya called. "Surely even you can't handle all of them alone!"

"A one trick pony is worth nothing," he scoffed in response, putting on his goggles and grabbing his capture weapon. "Watch and learn."

"Let's go," you mumbled, grabbing Midoriya's arm and dragging him to where Thirteen stood, though you were greeted by your second obstacle.

"Greetings, golden eggs of U.A High," the smoky portal user began. "I am Kurogiri of the League of Villains, and I cannot allow you to escape. We will achieve our goal."

"Like hell you will!" You heard Bakugo yell as he attempted an attack straight to the villain's head, closely flanked by Kirishima.

"Bakugo-kun!" You yelled in surprise at the boy's outburst.

Clicking your tongue in annoyance, you drew a rune in midair, releasing it as a strengthened shield in front of Kurogiri.

"Do not kill their transport mechanism," you instructed, catching the two boys as they collided with your shield. "He has information that we could use."

"Yes that was indeed close, I see you're more of a menace than the information deems," Kurogiri muttered, multiple portals surrounding you.

Fear coated your features as you instantly dropped the duo at the sight of them, realising what the league had planned.

"No matter, I will take care of you efficiently," he finished, the smoky mist enveloping you, causing you to suffocate as you inhaled it, tears pricking at your eyes as your lungs continued to burn.

Was this how your mother felt?

You tried grabbing at the portal, but to no avail. Instead, it only continued to suck you in further until you couldn't feel the smoke anymore.

Coughing, you got up, wiping the tears off your face as you scanned your surroundings.

"No," you whispered, eyes glowing against the light of the flames of multiple burning buildings. "Not again."

'I'm sorry I can't stay,' your mother whispered one last time, gently kissing your forehead. 'Take care of yourself.'

"Mom," you mumbled, tears pricking at your eyes once again at the memory.

Pursing your lips, you pushed forward, moving large bits of rubble over in the hopes of finding someone else.

"L/N-Dono?" You heard a voice call. "Is that you?"

Sighing you looked up to the source of the voice, only to see the boy with the tail quirk.

"Ojiro, was it?" You asked, climbing your way up the building he stood upon. "Keep my last name out of your mouth."

"Sorry, force of habit," he apologised, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck. "This is your territory, huh?"

You sighed, nodding to his question as you drew a rune, this time smaller and with a different pattern. Suddenly you sliced the centre of it open, just enough for your right hand to fit through as you gestured the boy opposite you to grab onto it.

"Seems kinda sketchy," he sweat dropped, though took your hand anyway.

"My runes increase my power quotient by roughly 30%, making them more useful for moves that need to last longer such as shields and different types of protectors," you explained, finishing the last details on the rune as Ojiro listened. "What you're receiving right now is a heat protection layer, where it strengthens with temperature increase, allowing you to freely fight."

"And this won't affect your power output?" He asked, nervous. "What if your concentration wavers?"

"My quirk output won't be affected as long as I'm in a place that's suited for me, or not using my full power. Since both applies, I assure you, nothing will happen," you nodded as the rune began to glow. "This'll sting, but it's more steady than even kevlar. Trust me?"

The boy opposite you gulped at your question, though nodded firmly, squeezing your hand as you activated the rune, pain coursing through his veins.

"You're set," you nodded. "We've wasted enough time, let's scout for villains, see what we can find. If there's nothing, we return to main."

"But that means we split up, right?" He asked, to which you nodded, jumping off the building as it began to crack.

"Stay away from tall buildings, they can cave in at any point in time," you advised, watching as the building you stood upon mere seconds ago slowly broke down, rubble and glass spraying everywhere. "And the glass. They've sorted us without knowing our quirks, but any villains we'll face will rule this territory. Get them to me so I can finish them off."

"Y/N-Dono, you won't kill them right?" He asked, following you as you trudged down the streets, looking for some sign of life.

You pursed your lips, turning around, a gentle smile on your face.

"We're the good guys, remember?" You smiled, to which he nodded before rushing off across buildings, into the thick of the fire.

Fire that even you, the Heiress to the L/N fortune, shied away from.

After all, you'd seen your own mother burn away in the last minutes of her life right before your very own eyes.

How someone who could withstand such heat managed to wither away, you didn't understand until years later, when you met All Might.

Woooo USJ arc is on roll, and we've got more backstory!

QOTD: why'd her mother burn?

Remember to keep guessing characters, the challenge is still ongoing and might be extended to my other books if I feel like it

Have a great day/night :)

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