2 - how fast the time goes by

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Iida and you walked home together, the school day having been more uneventful than you'd expected.

The teachers at Someii were strict as they wanted to bring the best out of you. However, they were kind and understanding, most allowing you a bit of time to relax on your first day of school before you prepared for the exams.

"Y/N, if you get accepted into Shiketsu or Ketsubutsu, would you move to the west?" Iida asked nervously as you fumbled for your keys.

"No, I'm only moving if my scores are low and I scrape through the admission," you sighed, finally digging out your keys. "Come in, I'll make tea."

Iida followed you into the house, neatly taking off his shoes and setting his bag next to them. He'd been to your house multiple times before, both for studying and to spend time around you.

"Biscuits?" You offered as he sat down, making sure to leave your uncle's favourite ginger snaps untouched.

"No thanks, just tea is fine," Iida smiled.

You shrugged, turning back to the kettle, waiting for the tea to boil. A comfortable silence filled the room as you basked in each other's presence, the only sounds being the whistling of the kettle and the small crumbles of the biscuit as you nibbled on it.

The kettle let out a sharp whistle, signalling that it had finished making your hot drink. You poured it into two mugs, taking a seat opposite Iida.

"Here," you smiled, handing him the mug.

The boy was deep in thought, though gratefully accepted the drink.

"Your quirk is something you want to keep secret, isn't it?" He asked, aware of your family history.

"It won't stay secret for long, but I'll try to hide it for a while," you sighed, fidgeting with your collar.

Your quirk was something that was rather difficult to conceal, as the more powerful part of it was flashy. However, you'd trained moves that were strong and subtle, the only downside to it being that it made you seem like you ripped off All Might's moves.

"How are you planning on concealing it?" Iida asked, gesturing to your shoulder. "Your... friends, so to say, aren't exactly the most subtle thing."

"We'll find a way Tenya, don't worry," you grinned, sipping your tea.

And so, you kept your promise, training every day to ensure that your secret would stay hidden for a while.

Each day was occupied with school, followed by your extensive training regime. Iida did something similar, so the two of you barely saw each other.

Of course, you were in the same class, but it was already midterm by now and you were buried neck deep in exam preparations.

You sighed one evening, leaning against your bedroom window. Noticing that Iida was awake, you waved at him, opening your window. He did the same, and before long, the two of you were talking.

"It's only been a couple months since school started and I'm already thinking of dropping out," you joked, orange juice in hand. "Think I look good enough to become a stripper?"

"Y/N please!" Iida scolded, a slight blush coating his cheeks out of embarrassment.

You laughed at his reaction, continuing to sip at your juice.

Most evenings were spent as such, though they got rarer and rarer as exams came along.

First midterms for the first term, something all schools across Japan did.

You placed well, however it wasn't something to add on your application.

"Congrats on first," you smiled over to Iida, though his eyebrows were furrowed deep in concentration. "Tenya, relax. We finished exam week, the next one's only in three months."

Your friend sighed, standing up to look at you.

"I mean no harm, but I hope you know I consider you a rival in academics. We had half a point difference. I cannot fall behind," he announced, stalking out.

You raised an eyebrow, surprised by his decision, watching him from afar the next few months as finals came around.

They weren't all too different from midterms, only seeming easier for you. A few of your classmates were evidently struggling, one even turning the paper in early, claiming he'd filled in all he could and there was nothing else he understood.

At a private academy, in the high school preparatory class, this was rarely seen. But when it was, the student was usually still above the cutoff.

So far, no one had failed.

Except one person.

"Sorry Tenya," you apologised, pushing his exam paper back to him.

Results had been posted, with you being top of the class and your friend second. However, this time around, the difference was larger.

"No matter what you do, I won't see you as my rival," you explained, standing up and gathering your things. "You're my friend. Nothing more and nothing less."

You sighed, walking off alone, leaving your friend wallowing in his failure to strike your competitive spirit.

A one-sided rivalry wasn't something you were interested in, especially with your only friend. You couldn't afford to lose even more sleep due to the anxiety of damaging your friendship.

"Y/N!" A voice called you out of your daydream.

A week had passed since your last encounter with Iida, both of you training hard for the entrance exams.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," you mumbled, wiping the sweat off your face. "Let's go again."

Your mentor looked at you worried, though she thought nothing of it, cracking her whip, ready to build your strength more.

And so, the days passed, flitting into weeks and months, until you finally bumped into your friend one morning.

"Tenya!" You grinned, though it faltered as soon as you noticed his expression. "You're looking nervous, what's up?"

The boy looked down eyebrows furrowed by your question.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He responded. "The entrance exam is in a week."

Your eyes widened as the reality was brought back to you.

Neither of you had seen much of each other as you were heavily preparing for the exams, yet as soon as it was mentioned, it seemed more daunting than it actually was.

"Listen, you scored a near perfect score in the mock exam, you'll be fine," you responded, worry still in your mind.

"I guess that's true," he sighed.

"I won't be in school all next week," you blurted. "I need to take the U.A exam, and then take the train to the west for Shiketsu and Ketsubutsu."

Iida pursed his lips, but nodded, agreeing to remind the teachers even though you'd gotten your permission slip for an absence.

Next week would mark the beginning of your last month at school. Finals of the second term had finished, everyone being assigned a potential new class for their high school years.

If you failed your exams, you'd be returning to Someii empty handed. That was something you couldn't allow to happen.

A/N: a fast paced chapter, oh well

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