49 - Whirling Chaos

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The punch sent Muscular reeling, the giant villain skidding back to the edge of the cliff.

"Deku-kun!" You gasped, still carrying Kota.

The greenette's arms were broken beyond repair, yet Muscular stood up again to continue the fight.

"We need to run, you can't continue!" You reasoned, protecting yourselves from the dust and rubble with a shield.

"I'm fine Firefly! Get the boy out if it's that important to you, I promise I'll survive!" He responded, aiming another punch at Muscular, also at 100%.

Kota suddenly gripped your T-shirt, the fabric balling up in his small fists.

"No one has ever fought him alone and won," you glared. "Even the most powerful duo couldn't take him down. You're just a kid!"

Midoriya ignored you, continuing to fight the villain, both arms broken. You set Kota down in a cave and rushed in, right as Midoriya himself was thrown off the cliff.

Your dragon was quick to wrap itself around the boy, bringing him back to land while you landed kicks after punches on Muscular.

"We can't go back to camp," Midoriya mumbled, breathing ragged as you skidded back to a halt next to him. "I need you to trust me and run as far away as you can if anything happens."

"Deku-" you began, only to get stopped by him.

"Please, Firefly," he whispered, and you nodded begrudgingly.

Midoriya then jumped in, raining punches on the villain, each one powered at 100%, while you kept Kota safe. The greenette grew weaker and weaker yet his determination grew larger and larger like a flame that refused to go out even in the monsoon rain. And just when it seemed it would be the end, one last ember of hope was salvaged.

Kota ran in, his quirk emerging, distracting Muscular due to the sudden burst of water. Midoriya was then quick to jump in, doing something you would've never expected of him in such a state.

"Firefly, run!" He ordered, tears pricking at his eyes before he took off. "One for All..... one million percent Delaware Detroit Smash!"

While you didn't have time to run, you wrapped your arms around Kota, a shield around the two of you while the world seemed to crash on the outside.

"Deku!" Kota screamed, seeing the greenette lying on the floor, the remains of the villain by his side.

Though the greenette didn't budge.

Kota screamed and thrashed, having watched another person sacrifice themselves for him.

"Kota," you whispered, placing your hand gently on his back. "Midoriya always keeps his promises. He's alive."

You released the shield, and the child instantly ran to the greenette, shaking him awake. Midoriya instantly wrapped Kota into a hug in relief, sobbing at the fact that both of you were safe.

"This discussion isn't over Midoriya-San, you still got hurt," you glared. "Come on, let's tell Sosaki-San about the villain's objective."

"You know Mandalay personally?" Midoriya asked, getting up, Kota on his back.

"She was my babysitter and should have been my guardian," you sighed, pushing past boulders. "We're at the end of the cliff, my dragons will take us from here on out, save your energy."

And with a slight of hand, two dragons appeared at your sides, one of which wrapped itself around Midoriya while the other took care of you. It was certainly not the most fashionable mode of transport, and definitely wasn't a comfortable one. But the twins got you to camp faster than any quirk would have.

"Go see Eraserhead, I'll speak to Mandalay!" You ordered, the two of you running in opposite directions.

It didn't take you long to locate the cat hero, she stood near the edge of the forest amidst a pile of unconscious bodies.

"Y/N?" She asked, instantly rushing to you. "Is everything alright, what happened?"

"I'm fine, but we've got bigger problems!" You pressed, pulling her away from a weapon that was thrown at her.

"Kota! Where is my nephew!" She panicked.

"Sosaki-San he's fine, Midoriya and I rescued him," you groaned, suddenly hearing rustling amidst the bushes.

"Mandalay!" Midoriya yelled, jumping out of the bushes. "Kota's fine but we need a message to be relayed! All students can now use their quirks in combat as well and should work to protect Kacchan! The villains want to kidnap him!"

"Under who's name am I giving this permission?" She asked nervously.

"Aizawa Shota, alias: Eraserhead!" You ordered. "I'll get lawyers ready if he gets in trouble, just do it!"

"Alright, I'm on it," she nodded, tuning into everyone's connections while the two of you ran off to find Bakugo.

"You're running on adrenaline, we need to stop and plan," you reasoned, the two of you sprinting into the forest.

"No, Kacchan will only get kidnapped, I've gotta help!" Midoriya responded, eyes wide in panic.

Though before you could even locate Bakugo, a gigantic black claw came out and attacked the two of you. Midoriya, frozen in fear and pain, didn't move, so you raised up a shield in front of the two of you to offer brief protection.

"I can't use lots of power if we want to save Bakugo, so we're running on my shields," you explained, lips pursed. "I'll save it up for the final battle."

"The two of you, get out!" Shoji ordered, stepping in front of your shield and taking the hit. "It's Dark Shadow, Tokoyami lost control over her!"

"Please, save yourselves!" Tokoyami choked. "You'll only die under her wrath!"

"No, we need to find Bakugo and Todoroki, they can make light," you proposed. "We can't go back to the facility and with a rampaging Dark Shadow we can easily defeat villains!"

"Y/N-Sama is right, going back only puts the others at risk, we need to push forward," Midoriya sighed grievously.

So you did just that. Shoji picked Midoriya up, carrying him, while you contained Tokoyami and Dark Shadow in a shield as he walked alongside you. While the minimal light radiation your quirk gave off did decrease her power, it wasn't enough. In fact, it only angered her.

"There!" Midoriya yelled, pointing at the duo made in hell.

"Shoto! We need light!" You yelled, releasing the beast from her prison cage.

She raged furiously, thrashing the villain the duo was fighting before going onward to aim a hit at you. And that was when Todoroki stepped in, fire blazing.

'Don't you fucking dare.'

A/N: probably my favourite chapter so far, gotta love the lack of coordination everyone has

QOTD: thoughts on the Midoriya and his saviour complex?

Have a great day/night!

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