54 - Unlimited

91 3 16

— Part 4: Begin! —

As soon as All Might's victory was confirmed, police officers surrounded your group.

"We're going to have to isolate the two of you," Tsukauchi explained.

"Take me to this address," you sighed, pulling out a slip of paper from your bra. "It's the safest place in the county after Tartarus."

"Your mother wouldn't approve of you sharing these details," Tsukauchi mumbled.

"You're a cop," you scoffed. "And I'm the only one with the key to Base."

"Base Station?" Todoroki gasped. "Y/N, are you sure? You could just home quarantine like Bakugo."

"Staying at home puts my family in danger, especially with the League trying to get my money," you explained. "I'll be fine at Base, Shoto, don't worry."

"Your one visitor limit though-" he began.

"I know who I want to call," you smiled.

It wasn't long before you were settled into the large empty mansion, your luggage having been delivered to you by the staff. The entire time you waited for your requested visitor to arrive, you were on call with Bakugo, the two of you talking about random things.

"Miss the guest has arrived," a guard informed, poking her head into your room.

"Thank you," you nodded, before turning to Bakugo. "I'll tell you how it went."

"You better," he scoffed, though a grin was evidently playing at his lips.

You hung up, allowing yourself a few minutes to collect yourself before sitting at the window to your room.

Your room, much like all others at Base, had a window that overlooked the city along with one that looked out into the hallway. The second was the one used for communications between the visitor and victim.

Getting up from your chair to stretch one last time, you watched the visitor enter, glaring.

"Emi-San please explain to the guest how our system works," you requested through the phone, watching the female guard speak to the visitor.

The visitor nodded after a few minutes, taking a seat on the other side of the glass, picking up the phone.

"Hey," you smiled. "How was the rest of camp?"

The visitor paused, eyes downcast.

"Why did you call me? You hate me," the guest asked.

"Kaminari I called you here to talk to you," you glared. "I was kidnapped if anything had happened to me back then, I know that I wouldn't have been happy with the way I left things off with you."

"It's fine L/N-Sama, you were right," he laughed dryly. "There isn't anything I've got to offer, especially to someone so powerful who can do leagues better."

"It was my fault, I should've handled it better," you scoffed. "Dumbass."

The blonde looked up in surprise, golden eyes widening at your statement.

"What did they do to you," he demanded. "My Apathy-chan would never admit she was wrong that easily, what did they do?"

"Eh just the usual, bit of torture, got burnt, forced to watch the news and see our class struggle," you shrugged. "But I'm over that, I'm the same me you knew four months ago."

Kaminari paused, still unconvinced. You placed your palm against the glass, the boy opposite you mirroring your action, so that your hands were nearly touching.

The only obstacle was the glass.

"See?" You smiled. "I'm fine!"

Your reflection in the glass grinned widely back at you, though Kaminari held a worried expression.

"I know you are, you're just that strong," he sighed.

"But?" You asked.

"You could've easily died, you're in confinement because of it. So why are you so determined to pretend as if nothing happened?" He groaned.

You gently put your hand back down, crossing your arms as you leant back in your chair.

"When I first came into school, people feared me," you began. "I made some friends, then people respected me. Not in the way I respect Kirishima, in the way someone respects their upperclassmen. I've never fit in, and I don't want their looks of pity now."

He paused once more, setting the phone down, so that you wouldn't be able to hear him as he spoke to the guard.

"Y/N-Dono," Emi whispered, walking in. "The guest invited you to his house."

You looked through the glass at Kaminari, who was rather bashful now that Emi had said it out loud.

"I'll have to decline, Tsukauchi is keeping tabs on me," you sighed, watching your guard relay the information to Kaminari.

Kaminari nodded in response, picking the phone up once more.

"Why did you invite me suddenly?" You asked.

"I told my family about you, and all of them want to meet you, especially after your battle against the League," he explained. "I watched the reruns of the news multiple times, you and Bakugo fighting together was way too badass to miss."

"Well I'm glad your family likes me so far," you smiled. "Sorry I had to turn it down, Tsukauchi would only increase the confinement regulations on me if I went out, and I don't want that. I wanna see you guys in person again, do stupid things that nearly get us killed."

"I'll give them your regards," Kaminari grinned. "But yeah, I know what you mean. Midoriya gave us updates and it's not just you and Kacchan in isolation, the entire rescue team is as well. Some people who were targeted by the gas were hospitalised and are in home quarantine right now, getting regular checkups, though no one has any severe injuries. How are your injuries?"

You grimaced slightly, though stood up nonetheless and lifted your shirt up, revealing your back. It was scratched up and scarred, even raw in some places, from the fight against Muscular. Not only that, your struggling against the stone pillar the villains used to hold you captive only worsened the injuries.

"Oh my God," Kaminari whispered. "That's so gonna scar."

"If RG doesn't get here in time then yes, it will," you sighed. "The other option is I sear it shut with unrefined heat, but that probably has more side effects."

Kaminari snickered at that, laughing quietly for the first time since the start of camp. You wished you could hear his laughter in person, not through the phone.

The only obstacle was glass.

A/N: Kami interaction!!

QOTD: thoughts on whatever tf this was?

Have a great day/night!

The Subtle Smell Of Fish (D. Kaminari X Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin