63 - The Test

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"Shiketsu High School, they're from Kansai," you explained, glaring at the boy who'd interrupted the huddle.

"They're on par with U.A, and probably more respectable," Bakugo nodded. "Scoring full marks in their exams is unheard of, and way more difficult than in the U.A entrance exams."

"Though it isn't impossible, especially with the amount of people who want to be the best hero there is," you sighed. "The Dragon of the West, Shiketsu High."

"No way, that you?" The bald guy grinned, dapping you up.

"Glad ya still remember me, Yoarashi-San," you smirked, before turning to your class. "Yoarashi Inasa-kun, we met at recommendations and at the Shiketsu exams."

"What was your score?" Bakugo asked, eyes glinting.

"Ninety five percent, placed first," you grinned proudly. "Ketsubutsu is yer guys's neighbour, right?"

"Shut up, you turned down Shiketsu after placing first there?" Bakugo gaped.

"Inasa turned down U.A after placing first here," you shrugged. "I really don't see the big deal. Plus, this is my home."

"Man you guys make no sense to me," Sero laughed sheepishly, as you continued to talk to Yoarashi.

The two of you were quick to split ways, him returning to his school while you beckoned to your class.

"He's strong, even if he has a soft spot for U.A," you explained. "The recklessness might work out to our favour. So whatever you do, steer clear from Yoarashi Inasa-kun. Got it?"

"Don't tell us what to do you entitled prat!" Bakugo spat.

"Katsuki, he's stronger than Shoto and has more firepower than you do. His range is more versatile than mine as well," you glared. "Joining forces with him is suicide, he'd only betray you. Fighting him is worthless. So we choose the third option - stay clear. If any of you guys fail I'll kick your assess."

"No need to be vulgar now," Yaoyorozu chuckled, though you saw the mischief in her eyes.

"Eraserhead, is that you?" You suddenly heard someone call out. "It's been so long since we've seen each other, especially now that our agencies aren't close by!"

"Miss Joke," Aizawa sighed as she threw herself onto him. "How unpleasant."

"My you haven't changed at all," Joke laughed. "Let's get married!"

"No," Aizawa groaned, dropping her.

"You guys seem close," Asui commented.

"Our agencies used to be close to one another, and well one thing led to another and we began dating-" Joke rambled, though Aizawa cut her off.

"That part happened in your dreams," he scoffed. "Ketsubutsu?"

"Yeah, class 2-2," she nodded, pointing over at the third and final bus in front of the stadium.

"Hey guys!" A ravenette grinned, waving at you as he hopped off the bus, instantly approaching Midoriya. "Man your class is amazing, after everything you've been through. I could never do that!"

"Thank you!" Midoriya grinned, watching as the guy approached you next.

"Don't touch her," Bakugo glared, wrapping his arm around your waist.

"Dude he's just trying to greet her, chill!" Kirishima hissed.

"Nope, he's a manipulative son of a bitch who wants to get in good terms with the Heiress," Bakugo scoffed.

"Protective of your girlfriend?" The ravenette drawled, taunting Bakugo.

Realising he had to agree so that the other student would leave you alone, he did just that.

"Always," he smirked, before dragging you off to the group. "No, we're not dating, don't assume shit Pinky. Y/N you're sticking with me, if we're gonna lie we better fucking see it through."

"Why did you lie to begin with?" You hissed. "You could've said I was dating literally anyone else, like fucking Tenya or Kirishima. He wouldn't know!"

"Well at that point he was the one by your side," Kirishima groaned. "Also I can take you up on that date!"

"Shut up Shitty Hair," Bakugo snarled. "The rest of this afternoon, you extras better play along. This is my girlfriend. Got it?"

"You're saying this as if my standards would ever be that low," you yawned, only to nearly be punched in the face. "Is this how you treat your future wife Katsuki? Your mother will be hearing about this!"

"Oh shut up! And don't fucking propose before an exam!" Bakugo yelled.

"So you'd say yes if it was after the exam?" You smirked, only to dodge another punch.

"Settle down," Aizawa called, gaining your attention. "I spoke to Miss Joke to get more information about the licensing exam. She knows about as much as I do, so we'll just have to rely on the Commissioner. From here on out, I can't help you anymore."

And so, everyone headed inside Takoba National Stadium to get changed and listen to the Commissioner's report. Many of the hero costumes of your class were the same as before, only containing minor changes. Yours, however, took a completely different route.

Plated boots, shorts, a tank top, arm guards and a visor. To top it off, you had a first aid kit slung across your chest, which contained basic medication along with something you'd developed with Todoroki. For extra measure, you had a cap on as well, as you'd nearly gotten a heat stroke while training.

"All set and ready," you mumbled to yourself, configuring the last of the technology as Hatsume had instructed you to.

"Woah, you're all geared up!" Kirishima commented.

"Yeah, though most of it is just a variety of heat sensing equipment," you shrugged, looking down at the pocket watch, which hung to your shorts with a chain. "Except for this one."

"What's that for?" Kirishima asked, wondering why you'd need a watch.

"I can go a certain amount of time before the stored energy I have becomes unrefined and pure," you explained. "Because I have no control then, that's when I'm at my weakest. But just ten seconds before, I'm stronger than ever. This clock tells me that."

Kirishima awed as he admired the thought you'd put into every single aspect of your costume, making sure it wouldn't be a danger to anyone. Though before your discussion could go any further, the glaring sound of feedback interrupted you.

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen, I am Mera Yokumiru of the Public Safety Commission, and I'll be explaining the rules of your provisional hero licensing exam today," the old man yawned. "Let's start with the basics."

'Out of the 1541 students here, not even 100 will pass on to the first stage.'

QOTD: thoughts on the Bakugo Y/N relationship rn 👀

QOTD pt 2: thoughts on the Kami Y/N relationship?

Have a great day/night!

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