69 - Second Semester Ceremony

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— Part 6: Begin! —

"No way, you guys actually fought it out?" Ashido asked Bakugo and Midoriya.

"Boys," Hagakure scoffed.

"What happened?" You asked Todoroki, having just come back from your morning run.

You were already in your uniform, much like everyone else, though your hair was still wet from the shower you'd taken.

"Those two got into a physical fight, both are in house arrest," he sighed.

"Anyone know why?" You asked, though he shook his head. "Typical. It's like their other discussions in sign language."

"That usually only happens when we play board games though," Todoroki sighed. "I guess anything school related can be settled verbally, but both refuse to admit of their past together."

"Well you know what Katsuki did to him," you reminded, knowing that both of you had interpreted their discussions due to being fluent in sign language. "I don't blame Midoriya for wanting to distance himself."

"Why won't you distance yourself?" Todoroki asked.

"I made a promise," you whispered, meeting Bakugo's eyes. "I won't break a promise, no matter how much I hate him."

Bakugo could see the disappointment in your eyes, the words you kept to yourself. The words you would have told him on any other day were the entire fight not personal. He saw the lack of trust in your eyes as he'd fought your best friend's close friend, even after you'd agreed to be there for the other. But worst of all, he saw how you backed out from the deal you made that night, not even feeling an ounce of guilt as he'd broken it first.

"Whatever, we have the welcome speech for the second semester now," you scoffed, grabbing your bag and heading out.

"I heard the other class got a new exchange student, any idea who it might be?" Ashido asked.

"I'm not Mr. Worldwide, Mina, ask Aizawa," you retorted, rolling your eyes as you all headed to the auditorium, Iida making sure you walked in a single file line.

"You're the only one out of line, Class Rep," Sero remarked, making Iida groan in displeasure.

"Well if it isn't Class 1-A," Monoma smirked. "I heard your two best students failed, how pathetic! And to think that you thought you were the better class!"

"Did anyone fail from your class?" Kirishima asked.

"Nope," Monoma laughed. "We all passed, and with extremely high marks too!"

"Sorry for bringing our reputation down," Todoroki apologised, though Kirishima quietened him down instantly.

"Congrats," you shrugged, surprising Monoma.

"Eh?" He asked. "1-A? Having a decent person?"

Though your focus was shifted behind him, on a face you'd never seen before.

"Who's the cutie, I haven't seen her around," Kaminari asked, pointing behind Monoma. "Exchange student?"

Though that caused the girl to yell at Kaminari in English, as she clearly hadn't understood what he said and thought she was being insulted.

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