7 - First Day, Here We Come!

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You looked down at your schedule, finishing the last of your breakfast as you made your way into school.

First lesson was Modern Literature with Cementoss, followed by Modern Art History with Midnight.

"Well Tuesdays are certainly going to be boring," you sighed, taking your seat at the back of the classroom.

This morning, you and Iida had decided to walk separately, since he wanted to look around the school more.

You didn't mind, having practically lived here for a short period of time.

"Y/N!" A girl called, waving at you. "Iida-kun told us all about you, you must be great friends!"

"Did he now?" You asked, sceptical.

"Uraraka-San, that's her first name!" Midoriya hissed from next to her.

"Oh I don't mind," you responded, standing up. "I'd rather you keep my last name out of your mouth."

With that you stalked off, making your way to your locker. You were next to Iida's locker, and he was grabbing his textbooks just then.

"Tenya, control your friends," you sighed.

"Y/N you need friends, socialise," he responded. "Most of our class is energetic, we're the hero course."

You grumbled in response, well aware that the chances of finding a friend with less energy was low. It's why you liked Iida, he knew how to present himself.

"Surely you learnt something from middle school?" He asked, waiting for you to take out the last of your books.

Back at Someii, clubs were encouraged so that students could socialise and learn new skills.

You were captain of the track and field team, as well as head of student council in your last year of school. However, others only recognised you as an upperclassmen.

You sighed at the memory, slamming your locker shut.

"I was their Senpai," you glared. "Nothing more, nothing less. Let's go, we have class."

"Y/N do you really think they only considered you an upperclassmen?" Iida scoffed. "They respected you, most looked up to you."

"Yeah well this isn't Someii," you grumbled, hugging your books to your chest, looking down at the floor as you walked. "People aren't easy, especially when they know you could ruin their life in an instant."

"We're a hero course," Iida reminded. "No one here thinks that."

"Whatever," you mumbled, still not buying it. However, you were quick to brighten up. "Glad you made friends though, although they have too much energy for me."

Iida nodded, a soft smile on his face as you entered the classroom again. The two of you took your respective seats, preparing for class.

"Good morning, L/N-Sama," Yaoyorozu smiled from next to you.

"Y/N is good, thanks," you responded sourly, to which she nodded quietly.

First lesson was Modern Literature, with Cementoss droning on and on about the curriculum and some of the greatest works of literature.

"Sir, will we read any Shakespeare?" Yaoyorozu asked from next to you, to which you shuddered at the idea.

You loved reading, though you weren't too keen on the idea of reading Shakespeare in an already boring class.

"No, we won't be covering it in our syllabus this year," he responded, much to your relief.

You nodded, turning back to your notebook which was filled with requirements for this year. Although your guardian had all the syllabus arranged per year group and subject in his bookshelf, you still thought it wise to write it down once more for yourself.

"It seems my lesson is up," Cementoss concluded once the bell rang. "Have your break, I expect to see you all with full focus in our next lesson."

With a chorus of 'Yes Sir's, you all escaped the classroom, leaving the stuffy air.

The few that stayed inside lounged at each other's desk, getting the chance to talk and make friends.

You groaned, slumping into your chair with exhaustion. Deciding to stretch your legs, you took the walk to your locker, keeping your textbook away as well.

It was only the first day of proper school and the uniform had already grown onto you like a shell.

Since it was still April, you opted to wear the blazer, however wore the short sleeved shirt underneath should it get warmer. You'd paired it with a long tie and a skirt, that thankfully had pockets. And for practicality's sake, you thigh high socks underneath, ones that both kept you warm and were easily removable.

The first lesson had passed and like you suspected, the weather wasn't getting any warmer. In fact, you were only feeling uncomfortable in the itchy uniform as it grew onto you after a longer time period.

"I swear Someii wasn't this bad," you grumbled, closing your locker before returning to the classroom.

"Apathy-chan!" Kaminari grinned, draping an arm around you. "Meet my friends!"

A redhead and an alien stood in front of you, both smiling like their lives deepened on it.

"And you're introducing me to them, why?" You asked, pushing him off.

"Kaminari told us he made friends with a girl, and we didn't believe him," the redhead explained. "One other than Ashido."

"Yeah I don't blame you," you shrugged, grabbing Kaminari by the collar. "Since when were we friends, lightning bug?"

"Since you made up a nickname for me!" He grinned.

"An insult, but whatever you say sparky," you sighed, dropping him and walking past.

Midnight was quick to make her entrance, with the entirety of her lesson seeming borderline illegal. Though it was interesting and went by quickly, so that was good.

Following her lesson was double maths with Ectoplasm, who'd created clones to assist students while teaching up front.

Next, was English with Present Mic, who couldn't communicate like any normal person. He was quick to get on your nerves, though you continued with the lesson, well aware that these teachers who'd known you since you were a child, also knew the most embarrassing stories of you.

You groaned with exhaustion once the lesson finished, glad that it was finally lunch time.

After that, it would be basic heroics, supposedly with All Might.

Though for now, you were fine with lunch.

Me: Y/N's too boring
*proceeds to give too intricate of a backstory and relationship issues*

QOTD: Thoughts on Nezu adopting Y/N?

Will her relationship issues bite her in the ass? Yes, it'll be great.

Have a great day/night my lovelies

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