20th Chapter Special: Fireflies

152 3 14

Suggested by bathemeinbleach

TW (?) : Slight making out, nothing too serious

You sat on a cozy picnic blanket, a quilt draped over you as you watched the small golden star like flickers of the night fly about you.

They were magical beings to you, insects that lit up your whole world with a soft golden glow against the moonlit grass.

"You know when you said star gazing, I thought you meant actual stars," Kaminari grumbled from next to you.

"Shush, I could also stare at Midoriya's freckles all day, I'm sure there's a constellation on there somewhere," you snickered, leaning into him.

The two of you were now third years at U.A, having been together for nearly two years through thick and thin, always taking a chance to go out and relax when you could.

Kaminari kissed your forehead, pulling some of the blanket onto him as well so that both of you could sit in comfort.

"It's been a long time since we got to relax," he grinned, running his fingers through your hair, to which you only further sank into him.

"We'll be full fledged heroes with agencies soon, can you believe it?" You laughed, the excitement tingling your nerves as a firefly landed on your nose. "Denki, we'll be up there on the billboard one day!"

Your boyfriend grinned at your, pulling you into a deep, sweet kiss at the thought of the future. It held multiple possibilities, ranging from working together all the way up to living together.

You smiled into the kiss, slinging your arms around his neck, tangling your fingers in his shoulder length hair as he leaned back to support both of you.

His lips tasted much like the sweet wine you'd had along with the creamy dark chocolate cake, each having a slightly sour undertone to enhance the flavour. They were soft and sweet, only drawing you in further.

When you finally pulled away from the kiss, it was safe to say that you were a blushing mess.

"I told you I'd get you to blush one day, my Apathy-chan," Denki smirked as he leaned in to whisper that into your ear, voice hoarse from the kiss.

"I never doubted you for a minute," you smiled, leaning your head into his shoulder.

Kaminari Denki, who'd first told you that he'd become your friend, only to state that he'd taken it upon himself to make you laugh. He was the boy who'd declared that he'd be yours, and that he'd be the one to make you blush.

So far, he'd kept every promise except one.

"We'll be together forever," you mumbled, repeating his words from a few months ago.

He was the boy who kept all his promises. And you were the girl who'd fallen madly in love with him.

A/N: tooth aching fluff as a pre apology for the angst

QOTD: thoughts on the special?

Have a great day/night!

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