50 - Roaring Upheaval

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With a few flames from Todoroki's side, along with minor sparks from Bakugo, Dark Shadow was soon down to her original size and effectively returned to Tokoyami.

Though what surprised you more was Todoroki turning around and wrapping his arms around you in relief.

"Shoto what's wrong," you asked, worried, for the boy didn't show any affection unless he was about to lose someone.

"Moonfish gave us more intel," he announced to the group, still clutching onto your hand. "Bakugo isn't the only one they're after. Y/N is in danger as well."

Your eyes widened as you realised you could've easily been captured in your fight with Muscular, Midoriya doing the same.

"Not all of them know this, there's a special squad," Todoroki explained. "Any allies they've brought along were only ordered to capture Bakugo since that's less of an issue than capturing someone with a net worth of over a million. The chances of betrayal are high."

"So we need to protect both of them," Tokoyami nodded. "Bakugo is the one we need to protect most, Y/N-Sama only needs to be hidden."

"In that case I can carry Y/N-Dono, she would just have to appear injured," Shoji suggested. "Bakugo is strong enough to fight on his own and our quirks can assist him. We can't, however, have over a million's worth of money in the wrong hands."

"My net worth isn't important, they can't access that money without my quirk's most dangerous move anyways," you hissed. "We need to protect Bakugo, he's reckless, he'll only rush into the action begging to get kidnapped we can't risk that."

"Y/N father would not approve of you putting your family-" Todoroki began.

"Your father can shove his opinion up his ass," you scoffed. "Let's go, head back to camp and gather as many people as we can. The more people we have the more protection we can offer."

"Y/N-Sama is right, we're stronger in a group and we need to make sure there aren't more injured people," Midoriya agreed.

And so, the group marched forward, hoping to run into someone. Bakugo kept complaining the entire time, a noise that you just tuned out, willing him quietly to stay silent. The only good thing about the explosive blonde was the warmth he provided by walking next to you.

Though suddenly, that warmth disappeared.

Energy could neither be created nor destroyed.

Meaning that it didn't disappear.

It was taken.

You turned around, and noticed that neither Tokoyami nor Bakugo were there behind you, opening your mouth to scream at the others who were so blissfully oblivious. Though before you could even say something, a hand clamped itself tight onto your mouth, the villain behind you gently stroking your hair.

"Make a sound and I'll have you killed L/N Y/N," he husked. "We only need the money, not your life. So choose your next actions carefully."

You stood, frozen, the man continuing to play with your hair while the others trudged ahead. Unable to scream or even move, you stood stiffly, tears pricking at your eyes as you watched everyone leave you behind.

As if you meant nothing to them.

'Yer a kid from Japan eh?' The old man asked you, handing you some of his bread.

You looked at it for a few seconds as if it were a treasure. It was the first food you'd seen in weeks. Hungry, you swallowed the whole thing, not caring about how much of a mess you made.

That was when you learnt your first lesson.

Always ration your food.

'Uh-huh,' you nodded once you'd finished eating. 'But my friends they.... they left me alone.'

'It's ok kid,' the old man smiled. 'Mine did too.'

You sighed in defeat, shoulders slumping.

"I'll come with you," you mumbled. "But I better be receiving special treatment."

"Can't make promises, ember," the villain smirked, the familiar nickname lighting a fire in you. "While your pathetic friends are out hunting for you, you're here saying you'd join us for a foot massage? How shallow."

You still couldn't see the villain, due to him behind you and holding your wrists behind your back, forcing you to look forward. The voice didn't seem familiar, neither did the burnt smell of cigarettes that whisked off him. But that nickname that seemed to roll off his tongue with ease was one you hadn't heard in over ten years.

"Who are you?" You whispered, quivering. "The only person who called me that is dead, who are you!"

This time, the villain let go of your arms, so that you could turn to look at him. He was a tall lanky man who wore a leather jacket and had multiple piercings, along with burns that covered the majority of his skin.

"I'm not a figure you're going to recognise anytime soon, Ember," he purred, walking closer. "Now, why don't you shut up and join us, like you said you would? After all, you're alone and I'm more powerful. It's no use trying to fight back now."


All alone.

Anyone with even an ounce of common sense would have taken the child, who appeared to be lost, to the police. But no one came. You walked around, day in and day out, heroes turning away at your sight. And before long, you ended up in a slum settlement.

Life was hard there, life kept you on your toes.

But you weren't alone.

And now, you were. You were backed up against a tree, no one left to protect you, no one left to fight by your side.

"Dabi! Grab the girl, we gotta rendezvous!" Another man yelled, instantly lapsing into an argument with himself.

"Twice take this seriously," Dabi snarled, picking you up with ease, throwing you over his shoulder as if you weighed nothing. "Magne and the others better have the boy."

"Compress is reliable, he wouldn't let us down!" The man you now knew as Twice grinned. "Yes he would, he'd betray us all without a second thought."

When you did get to the rendezvous point, a masked man stood there already, a warp gate opening as soon as you joined him.

"You didn't get the boy?" Dabi asked, to which the man revealed two marbles. "You never disappoint, Compress."

"Kacchan!" Midoriya screamed, lunging at the huddle.

"Deku!" He responded eyes wide. "Stay back!"

But just before the portal closed, the squad saw something that nearly got you killed.

'Protect them, Hajime-nii.'

A/N: lmao Y/N got kidnapped

QOTD: what do ya'll think nearly got her killed?

Also we're finally at 50!!

Have a great day/night!!

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