16 - That's the Idea, Ochaco

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Before long, your four day holiday was over and you had all returned to school, refreshed and excited.

Class 1-A had been on the news after the attack and the school security system had improved. Thankfully, most of your teachers were back on their feet as well, with the absence of Thirteen and Aizawa.

"Wonder who'll be taking homeroom today," Kaminari grinned as he sat on your desk.

"You couldn't find a better place to lounge, could you?" You grumbled, flipping the page in your book.

"Yeah dude," Jirou nodded. "Show some respect to her."

"Nah not that," you began. "Just that Tenya is gonna flip in 3, 2, 1."

"Do not insult the students before us by using these tables as chairs! We have our assigned seats, so we must stick to them," Iida scolded, making the three of you groan in sync.

"Dude, chill," Jirou grumbled, much to Iida's displeasure.

"Settle down," a voice grumbled at the door, one both stern and familiar enough to cause all the students to scramble back to their desks.

"Sensei, good to see you're doing well," Iida grinned, glad that another person with sense had arrived.

"He's covered head to toe in bandages," you scoffed. "Clearly he's doing great."

"Better than ever. However my well being is none of your concern," Aizawa responded. "Your fight isn't over yet."

Your entire class froze in shock, terrified of another villain attack, for now they'd have to worry about their teacher's wellbeing as well.

"The U.A sports festival," he finished.

"Oh thank God, I nearly had a heart attack," you whispered, relieved.

The U.A Sports festival was a yearly ceremony that you'd helped host multiple time, as you were a warden of U.A. Each year, the festival came around May and was an opportunity for students to show off their quirks. Students would then get scouted by heroes to hone their skills, which is why the First Year's debut was so important.

"Is it really wise to host a big fest after last Wednesday?" Jirou asked.

"It makes sense doesn't it?" You shrugged. "Nezu would've thought this out, his quirk is Hi-Specs after all. Secondly, attacking a hero school in public? Not a good debut, especially considering that All Might punched their super weapon out the roof."

"Not only that but we can get scouted right?" Midoriya added. "It's important for all aspiring heroes!"

"Midoriya calm down, it's just a sports festival," Mineta commented, to which the greenette's jaw dropped.

"Midoriya is right, you'll get scouted, so it's an opportunity for all of you," Aizawa continued. "As Y/N-Sama said, Principal Nezu has a plan for security. It'll be doubled with policemen and heroes patrolling the perimeter. Heroes watching the fest will be in the stadium as well, and we'll have a limited audience, meaning parents aren't allowed this time around."

"I'll convey that to my father," Todoroki mumbled, loud enough for you to hear.

"I'll pass out the forms of consent and special needs forms now, though most of you shouldn't have a problem," he droned on, limping around as he handed out sheets of paper.

It wasn't anything special, just a form which needed the signature of a guardian. However, your special needs form had a discreet post it note stuck on it.

Anyone who didn't know Aizawa or know the details of your quirk, wouldn't have seen the piece of paper. Since you both knew him and knew the full destructive capabilities of your quirk, you spotted it with ease.

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