74 - Sir Nighteye

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The new school week couldn't have gone by faster. You were both nervous and excited at the same time, eager to impress Sir Nighteye.

"Y/N, I'm off to the supplementary lesson!" Todoroki called that Saturday morning as you put on your tie, rushing downstairs.

"Have fun Shoto, tell me if there's any updates on the exam, your father won't stop asking me," you requested.

"I will," Todoroki sighed, adjusting your tie. "Good luck with Nighteye."

Though when you did get to Nighteye's agency, Midoriya joining you, you saw a sight you didn't expect. The pro hero Bubble Girl, who was Nighteye's sidekick, was tied up to some contraption that forced her to laugh.

"Ah, lack of humour," Togata sighed. "Sir hates that."

"Couldn't have told me that earlier could ya, I'm the worst person when it comes to comedy," you muttered. "You go first Midoriya."

To say that that was the worst decision of your life would be an understatement.

"I am here!" Midoriya grinned, scrunching his face up to imitate All Might.

"What the hell is that sour expression?" You hissed.

"Are you... making fun of the Symbol of Peace," Nighteye glared.

"It was the expression based off the Vinegar Suicide Incident, in which a middle schooler could change the properties of water to that of vinegar," Midoriya explained. "All Might rescued the kid, but the vinegar did permanent damage."

"Hence the 'sour expression', as you so kindly put it," Nighteye finished. "Though the incident is unremarkable, so it usually isn't covered by any fan sites. Not that I would know of course."

"Yes, you, who has bought more All Might merchandise than the boy next to me certainly wouldn't know of this fan site," you retorted snarkily.

"I don't have that much merch!" Midoriya defended, though quietened down as soon as you raised an eyebrow at him.

"Silence, both of you," Nighteye ordered. "Your internship with me will be difficult. You'll have to work every day of the work week, sometimes even weekends. You'll be employed for a month, you'll have to conduct solo operations, and make absences. If you don't want in, feel free to walk out right now."

Neither of you moved an inch.

"I see," he mused, picking up two stamps.

You furrowed your eyebrows, knowing that it shouldn't be easy, that there was some catch. And as if he'd read your mind, Nighteye looked up and snatched the stamps back into his palms, glaring at the two of you.

"I'm a pro with two sidekicks and one intern," he scoffed. "Why should I bother getting two more who I need to pay as well, when they have nothing to offer?"

"Sir-" Midoriya began, though you stopped him.

"If you carry all that negativity around you'll become a hunchback," you scoffed. "What's gonna convince you. It's not money, you're rich. Skill?"

"Take the stamps from me and stamp them yourselves," he demanded. "The girl takes white and the boy gets black."

He held the stamps out to you once more, and you realised they had a huge resemblance to chess pieces.

"What's his quirk?" You asked, hoping Midoriya knew.

"Don't remember," he groaned in annoyance. "But we'll do it."

"Good," Nighteye nodded, ordering the other two to exit the room. "Then let's begin. You have five minutes."

Midoriya instantly lunged in, attacking Nighteye, while you scanned the room. It was filled head to toe with All Might merchandise, mostly even against the wall. Though one of the posters had a slightly rough background.

Noticing that Nighteye was too busy with Midoriya, you took off the poster, revealing the vent opening behind it. After that, it didn't take long for you to melt the screws off and climb your way through, making it into the ceiling vent where you were directly above Nighteye himself.

While he was lecturing Midoriya on his shabbiness, he'd completely forgotten about you. That was, until you quietly undid the screws, ensuring no noise was made by grabbing the lid in time.

With that you jumped on top of Nighteye, wrapping your legs around his shoulders as you snatched the stamp, skidding away as soon as you got it.

"That was certainly not a very ladylike or fair approach, though I will allow it," Nighteye coughed as you stamped the paper.

"Lovely, now about my friend," you grinned. "Just because you think he isn't a good candidate for One for All, doesn't mean he isn't working hard to be on par with everyone else. Your issue is with what happened five years ago. You want Togata-Senpai to be the holder and only him, because you think he is the right candidate. Toshinori thought Midoriya was right and chose him, and you can't change that whether you like it or not."

"Please Y/N, you have better people to be around, think about your mother for God's sake," Nighteye glared.

"My mother would be disappointed that you turned out like this even after interning with her," you scoffed. "And I suggest you keep her name out of your mouth."

"Y/N-Sama," Midoriya choked out. "I don't need your help. I will get that stamp by myself and prove him wrong. No matter what."

You shrugged and stepped out of the room, to talk to Togata and Bubble Girl.

"Passed?" Togata asked, to which you nodded.

"Midoriya's still inside, probably getting eaten alive," you shrugged. "He's determined though, so it'll certainly be interesting."

"I know where I recognise you from!" Bubble Girl suddenly gasped. "You're L/N Rintarou's and L/N Yuma's kid!"

"That's me," you sighed, awkwardly rubbing the back of your neck.

"Lady L/N?" Togata asked. "That would explain the quirk and seal."

"Yeah, it's not something I like to show off, Y/N is fine," you muttered, hoping they'd leave it be.

"What do your classmates address you as?" Bubble Girl asked.

"Just Y/N," you laughed nervously, becoming more stressed out by the minute. "Please don't press, Y/N is fine."

"If ya say so m'lady," Togata grinned.

Though, it only caused a feeling of uneasiness to bubble up in your chest. You couldn't explain it but anyone using your political title as a term of endearment disgusted you beyond imagination.

Anyone but him.

A/N: we're soon going to get more backstory to Y/N and All Might's relationship (therefore also Nighteye) and I can't wait to put you all through hell

QOTD: thoughts on Y/N being oblivious?

Have a great day/night!!

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