30 - Pro Hero Drafting

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'My dear Firefly, when you become a hero like your mother, you must remember to take care of all those you love.'

Those were wise words you would never forget, the idea of lighting someone's day up seeming all too exciting at your young age.

Now, you were stood in front of the same class that had originally voted you as class president, the same class with which you'd survived an attack. After everything you'd been through, you realised that lighting up someone's world was the least you could do for them.

"How cute!" Midnight grinned. "Nothing like either of your parents though I'm assuming you want to make a name for yourself?"

"Yep, otherwise I'd have put my last name on here, everyone knows it," you shrugged.

"Well I wish you lots of luck in forging your own path Y/N," Midnight smiled, one so authentic it was difficult to believe she wasn't faking it.

"Thank you," you nodded, walking back to your seat.

Aizawa got up and took her spot, pulling out a whiteboard with the results of the pro hero drafting he had spoken about.

"Settle down," Aizawa sighed, ushering Midnight out of the classroom. "These are the pro hero drafts I told you about. Usually 1st years don't get much attention, but this year you're the talk of the fest."

The classroom broke out into chatter again, only to be silenced by Aizawa's glare.

"This is the distribution," he explained, pulling it up on the whiteboard. "Usually it's more even but you three were the main focus."

"Probably because of my father," Todoroki grumbled.

"And my title," you sighed, high fiving him nonchalantly.

"I'm sure there's a lot for your skill as well," Yaoyorozu comforted, causing the two of you to stare at her as if she'd grown two heads.

"Agencies would pay to have Heiress or me, it's the reputation, why do you think we have so many offers?" Todoroki hissed.

"Back row," Aizawa glared, clearing his throat.

"Sorry sir," you sighed, watching him pass out the papers.

"The spread is pretty amazing though, Y/N did get the highest but Todoroki still beat Bakugo in that," Kirishima commented. "And all three of them have thousands of requests!"

"Literally! Spare some for us guys," Kaminari laughed, only earning glares from you and Todoroki.

It didn't take long for Aizawa to raise an eyebrow at you, causing you to roll your eyes as you realised what he hinted at.

'Y/N, remember you're of a respected lineage,' your mother glared the first time you'd gotten into innocent trouble. 'Trouble will find you itself, so don't go looking for it, and for heaven's sake keep your cool.'

You pinched the bridge of your nose and Aizawa nodded at you in approval once your expression relaxed again.

"Near 3000," you groaned, to which Todoroki just shook his head in similar disappointment. "Well the creeps and pure reputation seekers will be easy to filter out, I should only be left with one or two after that."

Though suddenly, a name you'd avoided for as much as you could popped out on your page.

"Shoto-kun, tell your father to fuck off," you hissed.

"Trust me, I did," he grumbled. "He can't take a hint and will never accept no for an answer."

You grit your teeth as you gripped the paper, annoyance in the man increasing by the second as he repeatedly disobeyed the wishes of your mother.

"I'll just have to reject the offer," you scoffed, scanning for another name while crossing out all that you deemed worthless.

Suddenly, a second one struck out to you.

'He was my mentor, and Toshinori's, after our first teacher died,' your mother explained, giving you a picture. 'Make sure you keep close contact with him, he'll be the one to help you become a hero.'

At the time, you were too young to understand her, weren't fully sure what she meant. However, at age 16, you realised that this man who'd previously taught the golden era of U.A students was going to be your way to mastering your quirk.

"You're ditching all the offers you have for a retired hero?" Todoroki scoffed.

"I've got connections and I know him the best," you smirked. "After all, he was my mother's class teacher."

Todoroki's eyes widened as he connected the dots to the one person his father had mentioned with utmost respect. He brought the trio of friends together, only for them to fall apart once he left.

"You wouldn't," he gasped, realising that your focus didn't even lie on improving your quirk, but rather the history of it.

"I'm not omnipotent, he can teach me what my mother couldn't," you shrugged. "It's close to Enji-San's agency as well so I might see you on patrol."

Todoroki nodded in response as the two of you stayed behind in break to continue filtering through all your requests before you made a decision.

"Y/N-Sama, I'll intern with him," Todoroki stated softly, scratching his left cheek.

"You'll reopen a scar doing that," you sighed, removing his hand.

"He's the number 2 hero that has to mean something, doesn't it?" He asked. "And I need answers, my mother is reluctant and I don't wish to trouble her."

You sighed, standing up to put all the papers in your bag.

"I'm glad you're opening up Shoto-kun but we both know what he did," you reminded him, placing a hand on his shoulder. "That's 10 years of your life that you'll never get back. So please for your sake just think about it before you accept his offer."

He was a boy who was born with everything, the boy who had a steady schedule all his life. He was the boy who contradicted you, the girl who had to build everything up, the girl who could lose it all in a mere instant.

In that brief moment in which you offered him your words of advice, the only thing you saw was the five year old you'd come crying to you all those years ago.

Yet, you still chose to trust the naivety of his inner child.

For it is said that children could sense danger and evil better than many adults.

A/N: short chapter, more Todoroki bonding and a bit of backstory

QOTD: thoughts on Y/N interning with Gran Torino?

Have a great day/night!

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