44 - Kota

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Hours of walking later, your class crawled up the mountain where your lodge was held.

"You said it would take us three hours!" Ashido yelled. "It took us eight!"

"Oops, we calculated with our times!" Mandalay laughed as Pixie Bob hustled over to you.

"The five of you have some experience don't you?" She awed, practically drooling over Bakugo.

Your dragon subconsciously slithered around his legs, black eyes glaring at her while you stood by his side.

"Control your dragons Heiress, don't wanna trip," Bakugo scoffed, both dragons coming up to him for warmth.

"C'mon Bakugo-San they like you, accept it," you shrugged, glad his attention was away from Pixie Bob once more. "But I'll tell them to leave since you asked so nicely."

He rolled his eyes in response as your companions returned to your side, gently touching their foreheads as they sat by your side.

"Dragon Heiress, it's a pleasure," Mandalay smirked, reaching a hand out to greet you.

"Y/N is fine, Mandalay, I prefer it," you smiled, shooting Kaminari a glare over her shoulder. "Unless you're someone I can't stand."

Kaminari instantly glanced down at that, Kirishima placing a hand on his shoulder.

"I've been meaning to ask," Midoriya began, glancing over at the child that stood next to Mandalay. "Is that your son?"

"No, my nephew," Mandalay laughed awkwardly. "Say hi Kota!"

"Kota-kun, I'm Midoriya! From the hero course!" Midoriya grinned, only to be met with a rather unfriendly response.

"You cretin, how could you punch someone in the family jewels!" Iida panicked instantly, helping Midoriya up.

"Tenya calm down," you sighed, your two dragons pulling him up to a standing position. "Midoriya-San, are you fine?"

The greenette smiled at you weakly before collapsing to his knees.

"See, he's doing great," you shrugged as Iida sputtered in response, completely flabbergasted at your nonchalance.

"I like that brat," Bakugo smirked, a serene look on his for once.

"Isn't he just like you?" Todoroki responded.

"Oh shut up half-and-half!" The blonde yelled, anger taking over.

"Alright settle down," Aizawa sighed. "Unpack and head to the dining hall for dinner, after that you can shower and relax."

You were quick to diffuse your two companions, following the girls of your class to the rooms you were assigned to so that you could unpack.

"Y/N-Sama you really didn't bring much," Momo gasped at your small suitcase that held your clothes for the week.

"Yeah well my focus is training, so I didn't think I'd need much," you shrugged.

"I heard there are hot springs here, we should totally go to cool off and relax from the beatdown today!" Ashido suggested, still energetic and excited.

Everyone agreed to the proposal, the lot of you heading straight to the dining hall first, where the food smelled amazing.

"It looks so good!" You heard Kirishima drool.

"Kirishima-kun!" You grinned, heading over to him.

Kirishima was the one person in class who was casual with you and didn't tread on eggshells around you. He'd slipped up multiple times, forgetting the honorific, calling you dude, but it only made you adore him more.

"Y/N, how are your dorms?" Kirishima asked, intrigued about your stay area.

"Incredibly small for the seven of us, but we just threw the plants out and coped," you shrugged, half jokingly.

"Eat well! This is the only time we'll be cooking for you so you better cherish it!" Pixie Bob squealed, dishing food out for everyone.

"Shoto you look like a mess," you snickered as soon as you spotted the boy.

"Shuddup you're just as bad," he grumbled. "Pass the chilli."

"I know I'm just as bad but at least people have seen me loosen up before," you grinned, helping him with his hair. "Hairclip."

"You're like Fuyumi-nee," Todoroki sighed. "She wants you over for dinner soon by the way."

"So the two of you are like siblings?" Kirishima asked.

"That's one way of putting it," you shrugged, sitting back down to eat your own food. "But out of Tenya and Shoto I'm closer to Tenya, I know him better."

"Needing to be close to either sounds like absolute torture," Bakugo scoffed.

"Just say you're too weak to handle it, no need to hide," you shrugged, a playful glint evident in your eyes as you grinned at Bakugo.

"What'd you say Heiress? I'm not too weak for anything!" Bakugo yelled, getting up. "In fact, I'll have you know that halfie here is my best friend!"

"Is he now?" You drawled, annoying him further.

"Don't make me lie twice," Bakugo groaned.

"We aren't friends?" Todoroki questioned, to which everyone at the table doubled over laughing.

Everyone except Kaminari.

Kaminari, who could only stare at that relaxed playful aura you held, eyes sparkling with glee. Kaminari, who no matter how often he tried to break you out of your shell, never managed to do so. Kaminari, who never managed to get you to laugh as he'd promised to, losing you to Bakugo instead.

"You good man?" Kirishima asked, turning to Kaminari.

"Yeah, yeah I'm good bro," he mumbled, eyes briefly meeting your own. "Thanks anyways."

But Kaminari wasn't one to complain. Because even if he ended up losing you to one of his closest friends, he knew you'd be happy. That smile that played at your lips, the light in your eyes that brightened up your entire surroundings, he instantly fell in love with it. He would gladly give you up any day if he could see that happiness grace your face.

"C'mon guys, let's go to the hot springs! We need to relax!" Ashido cheered as soon as everyone was done.

Everyone agreed, picking up a change of clothes as you found the way to the hot springs, eagerly getting into the warm water as soon as you spotted it.

"This is perfect," Ashido sighed in pleasure.

"Agreed," Jirou mumbled, sinking in to relax. "Dude this was probably the first good idea you've had."

"Oh shut up Ji, my ideas are fabulous," she scoffed.

"I'm sure they are darling," Momo soothed. "They would just be better if they didn't exist."

"Even Yaoyorozu-chan!" Hagakure laughed.

"You guys are too mean!" Ashido sulked, before turning to you. "Which reminds me...."

"No, Ashido-San, there's nothing going on," you sighed.

"Didn't you see how he was looking at you though?" She protested. "He's so in love!"

"Ashido drop it," you glared, sinking further into the water.

You knew he liked you, you knew you should've handled it better. But guys like Kaminari Denki could easily get someone else to fall in love with them.

You weren't special.

A/N: send help I've got no clue what I'm doing

N e ways

QOTD: thoughts on the Todoroki Y/N interaction?

Have a great day/night!!

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