91 - Prepping for the School Festival is the funniest part!! (part 1)

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"Hey guys!" Kirishima grinned as you and Midoriya entered. "How's Eri?"

"She's doing good," Midoriya grinned.

You merely nodded stiffly and headed to your room as soon as you could, unable to be around them for much longer. As soon as you were inside, you slouched against the door, tears welling up in your eyes.

It had been so many years since you cried, so much so that Kosame approached you out of worry. Though you could only clutch her as you controlled your strained sobs.

Nothing had hurt you more than seeing a girl who mirrored your younger self. Not even your past itself, for you had grown past it. But seeing someone else go through the same thing you went through? The same helplessness, the same torture, the same apathy. It was nothing less than the hottest blaze of hellfire.

"Hey Y/N?" Kaminari called, knocking at the door. "Can I borrow your history textbook, I don't know where I kept mine."

"Uh yeah, sure," you choked out. "One sec I'm changing!"

As soon as you had cleaned your face of tears and at least some puffiness, you opened the door for him, letting the blonde in.

"Need help with it?" You rasped out.

"Been crying?" He asked in response, to which you flinched. "I won't press, you know where to find me."

Just as he turned to leave, your history textbook in hand, you pulled him back into a tight hug much to his surprise. You rarely initiated physical contact, something he didn't mind much since he preferred lying on top of you or keeping his head on your lap anyways. You were always more protective of him, and certainly more affectionate when it came to simple gestures.

But now, you weren't hugging him out of love.

The way your arms wrapped around him was blatant fear, as you held him so close it became hard for either of you to breathe. But neither of you cared. You wanted to be shielded from something, and Kaminari was more than determined to do so.

"You won't leave?" You mumbled.

"Not after I finally got you Sunshine," he reassured, kissing your nose. "Rough day?"

"Eri," you groaned. "Don't get me wrong, she's a great kid but I didn't ask to rescue a carbon copy of my childhood."

"And not visiting would've made her sad so you dealt with this silently because otherwise Eri would've felt bad and Midobro would've told you to stay back which would've made her sad," Kaminari concluded.

"She doesn't even know about Nighteye, I can't just bail on her," you shrugged. "But I can't look in those dead eyes again, I hope she finds a friend. For her sake."

"Possibly even more," Kaminari joked, nudging you, though you knew it was true.

Your mom's first friends were All Might and Endeavour, though her best friend was your father, who she ended up marrying. Similarly, your first friends were Todoroki and Iida, but you were closest to Kaminari and were currently dating him. Naturally, both you and your mom had similar pasts in which the partner helped a lot with.

You could only hope that Eri would also find her special someone, whether it be platonic or romantic, to help her get out of her mind.

"Here I'll make us tea, why don't you tell me what you guys prepared for the school fest so far?" You smiled wearily. "While you do your homework of course, I don't want Cementoss getting mad at you again."

"Don't remind me, that was too stressful," Kaminari groaned, walking besides you to the common room.

It didn't take long for the tea to be ready, and the two of you sat down at the dining table, notebooks out as you worked together with him. Thankfully, history was one of his stronger subjects, the only issue he had there being to remember the dates for he often mixed them up.

"First essay done!" Kaminari cheered, leaning back to relax. "So you know how we're doing the whole dance club thing right?"

"For the school fest? Yeah, obviously, did something change?" You asked, worried. "Tenya knows, right?"

"Yes he does and we're doing a concert with an actual band now!" Kaminari grinned.

"I'm not following, we don't have a school band and no one's going to rent a band. The only musically talented person is Kyoka and she's shy," you reminded.

"That's where you're wrong," Kaminari laughed, pulling out his notes. "We managed to put together an actual band with Yaoyorozu as our pianist, Tokoyami as our bassist, Jirou as our singer, Bakugo on the drums and me playing the e-guitar!"

"I guess Tokoyami makes sense, his emo phase is terrible," you mused. "Yao-momo is fancy, it's no surprise she'd know how to play piano. But Bakugo? As your foundation? He can't stick to a group to save his life. And you never told me he could play!"

"I only found out today!" Kaminari grumbled. "And what about me playing?"

"You're learning from Kyoka right?" You asked, to which he nodded. "Yeah, I thought so. Your room never had a guitar and you've never mentioned it."

"Y'know I thought you'd be more excited," the blonde groaned, only for you to laugh at his reaction.

"Well I will be if you continue, even after the school fest," you smirked. "Guitarist hands are hot."

Kaminari's eyes widened slightly at your comment, and he looked down instantly, going back to his work, though the blush on his cheeks was evident no matter how much he tried to cover his face.

"Shut up," he mumbled, scribbling down facts for his second essay.

"Wow, not even a week in and you're already abusive," you teased. "What will I ever say to Tenya?!"

"Oh my God," Kaminari wheezed at your dramatic remark, glad to see you feeling better.

It was unusual to see you cry, to see you down. After all, you had a poker face that could even give Todoroki a run for his money. But you, unlike him, had the ability to loosen up and laugh even crack a smile every now and then. It was one of the features he loved most about you, your carefree expression as you grinned brighter than the sun himself.

Though even then, he didn't know truly how reclusive you were. After everything you'd been through, months of not talking, doctor visit after doctor visits. Even seeing the past right before you. He hadn't realised one key factor.

That side only came out around him.

A/N: did someone say Kaminari angst? No? Well you're getting it anyway. Mostly during the war when everything will tie together nicely 😍

QOTD: thoughts on guitarist hands? Only one right answer btw /j

Have a great day/night!!

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