61 - Her Best Friend

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You grit your teeth as you slid back, recovering from the kick Midoriya sent your way. Both of yours physical power was enough to knock debris down from the cliffs.

Today was the last day of preparing ultimate moves, and you were all duelling each other to test the effectiveness of them on a moving target.

"Don't underestimate me!" Midoriya ordered, jumping up to land a final kick.

However, before he could win the match, you covered a rock with your quirk and threw it at him. It was a weak move, but combined with your father's quirk and the surprise, it made it more effective.

You stood up once more, the two of you now engaged in close combat, neck on neck.

"I don't think you realise," you panted, punching him in the ribs. "That I've been going easy on you for your safety."

"Midoriya down, Lady Y/N wins," Ectoplasm declared, watching as the student struggled to stand up.

You walked over to Bakugo, leaving Kirishima to help Midoriya up and check him out thoroughly for injuries.

"Not bad Heiress," Bakugo nodded. "Bet you'll still lose against me though."

"That's not difficult, I nearly lost against Midoriya," you sighed, glaring at the boy over your shoulder. "Both my ultimate moves have a chance of giving people 3rd degree burns, I can't use them against classmates."

"Well then make your stupid quirks combine or something, I'm not a fucking genius!" Bakugo groaned.

"I have a better idea," you smirked, resting your elbow on his shoulder as you leaned in to whisper. "Look behind my shoulder, you see the funky support girl?"

"Yeah?" He asked, confused.

"She has my equipment," you explained, causing him to tense up. "Relax Katsuki-kun. Once I get that equipment, I challenge you to a duel."

"Stakes?" He questioned, voice raspy with determination.

"Loser does a favour for the winner, regardless of what it involves," you smirked, to which he nodded. "Now stop staring at her, you look like a creep."

With that, you walked past him, leaving a very angry Bakugo stammering in embarrassment.

"Yo, L/N-Sama!" Hatsume called, waving you over. "I have the gear you requested, obsidian with glass fiber protection, you know how fragile obsidian is."

"Sounds good Hatsume-San," you nodded, pulling on the sleeves. "Doesn't barricade movement, shows how much heat I can store. I see, very well done."

"Oh that's not all," she grinned, pulling out a pair of glasses. "These babies are connected to this new updated visor, that way you won't have to look down. I also have a small heat sensor inside the platings themselves, so that you can see the heat signatures from those as well."

Hatsume watched as you tried on your equipment, attempting to fire what would have been unrefined heat, only for it to come out as a spark while adding to the power storage you had.

"You better keep your word about joining my agency," you smirked, thanking her for the help before heading over to Bakugo, who was fighting Kaminari.

The duel didn't last long, especially after Bakugo only got more engaged at Kaminari holding back on his power. Long story short, Kaminari was thrashed instantly, leaving you to duel it out with Bakugo.

"Do your boyfriend some justice!" Kirishima cheered.

"Yeah Apathy-chan, back me up!" Kaminari grinned.

"Shut up, we aren't dating," you groaned, though the slightest smile tugged at your lips.

For once, you didn't deny the claim out of annoyance, but rather out of a childish habit that grew onto you. For a brief second, you even caught yourself thinking, 'what if one day you no longer had to deny that claim?'. Of course, you refocused immediately, as your opponent was Bakugo.

"Ready, 'Tsuki?" You asked, the nickname slipping out subconsciously.

"Don't expect me to go easy on you just cause you're my favourite girl," Bakugo smirked, digging his heel into the ground. "I'm ready to blast you to hell either way."

Which is exactly what he did.

The two of you had been working on ultimate moves powerful enough to push each other over the limit, as your quirks only fuelled each other's in a duel.

So, when Bakugo released his AP shot Auto cannon, you retaliated with a modified version of Hell's Prison. This version absorbed all the external attacks, making your shield stronger, something which was extremely useful as the place was quickly covered in smoke and debris.

Seeking out the opportunity, you lunged forward, making sure that Bakugo would be forced to fight in close range. It was his weakness, the exact opposite of yours. You feigned kicks, punches, defended yourself with the obsidian platings, though it was still a tie.

Until you feigned the debris throw once more, causing him to lose balance, allowing you to send a powerful kick at his back. He was quick to recover, turning around instantly and sending an AP Shot your way, which you were lucky enough to block with a dragon.

You were quick to turn the shield back into a dragon, worming it through the smoke and loosely around Bakugo's waist, so that he couldn't feel it yet.

"Not bad," you shrugged. "But I'm better."

Your eyes glowed a pale gold, the dragon wrapping itself around Bakugo, now fully showing itself. There were a few sparks of pure heat flying off it, though nothing compared to the previous fire hazards.

And the best part was that now you'd not only figured out how to calmly see the world through a dragon's eyes, but you also had your equipment by your side.

"Bakugo immobilized, Lady Y/N wins!" Ectoplasm announced.

"Alright, good work," Aizawa nodded. "All of you have made progress, which is sure to pay off. That's it for today."

The class nodded, each heading out to change. You were the first girl ready, and decided to head back to make tea, when you passed the boy's changing room and heard something more interesting.

"Dude, she's totally badass, I get that," Kirishima sighed. "But you have to get over her. She's a cold hearted person, who very clearly doesn't like you."

"I suppose you're right," Kaminari grumbled. "Flirting really was no use huh? And I don't wanna ask her straight out, she'd totally stab me in the eye."

Your jaw basically dropped open at that statement. Mere weeks ago, Kaminari confessed to you, asking you out. Yet here he was, talking casually to Kirishima how he liked your best friend Jirou as if nothing had happened.

This newfound information would be one hell of a secret to keep from her.

— Part 4: End —

A/N: lmao ya'll thought we were done with the angst? Never 😍

QOTD: thoughts on the Hatsume Y/N friendship?

Have a great day/night!!

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