3 - the unsaid

352 13 71

You stood outside the U.A gates, butterflies in your stomach as the anxiety increased.

You'd spent all year training, yet lacked confidence.

It was something Midnight could never teach you.

"Well, sorry to let you down Kaya," you sighed, laughing nervously as you strode into the hall.

Multiple students were seated already, preparing for their weak points.

"Hey! I'm Yoarashi Inasa, who're you?" A tall bald guy asked you.

"Oh uh, Y/N," you responded nervously, careful to not reveal your surname.

"Strange last name, Y/N-San," he commented, shrugging.

"It's my first name," you mumbled, feeling all too awkward around the extroverted teen.

"Well then you can call me Inasa," he grinned, assuming the two of you were friends already.

You weren't.

The Iida family and your host family were the only ones who knew the details about your history. You assumed that anyone attending the recommendation exam would know of a larger clan and concealed your name in a futile hope.

Of course, it didn't last long, because the son of the number two hero approached you, a ville look on his face.

"You're the heiress to the L/N family fortune, aren't you?" He asked, spite lacing every word. "I'll score higher than you in the exam."

"I'm counting on it, Endeavour's shadow," you smirked, knowing it would strike a nerve.

"Woah, woah, woah," Inasa awed, stepping in. "You're the heiress?"

Though neither of you answered.

The L/N family was a long line of heroes, all of which long past. Most died in battle, while others died of old age.

Your parents however, they were an anomaly.

"My mother was the next in line," you sighed. "Though due to complications, it's me now."

"I'm sorry," Inasa mumbled, an awkward tension suddenly hung in the air.

"Not your fault, baldy," you smirked, striding past him. "Listen, Endeavour's prize possession, I don't care what that man drilled into your head I'm not getting into a fight with a pathetic child who doesn't know right and wrong."

"Do not compare me to my father!" The boy yelled, watching you walk past him.

"Get your priorities straight, then we'll talk, Shadow," you scoffed, making your way to the examination hall, Inasa close behind you.

"So, is it true?" The tall boy asked you. "That the L/Ns-"

"Listen, Yoarashi-San," you interrupted, taking a seat. "I know you mean well, but I do not wish to talk about my birth family. Now, what's your favourite colour?"

The boy with the buzz cut snickered at your change in mood, agreeing to leave your history alone.

"Blue, it's calming," he smiled. "What about you, Y/N-San?"

You thought about it for a while, unsure how to respond.

Sure, it was a hole you'd dug yourself into, however Yoarashi Inasa was the first person to ask you your favourite colour and you'd only known each other for a few minutes.

"(F/c) I suppose, it's pretty in my opinion but I've got friends who disagree on that," you chuckled.

Though before Inasa could respond, a speaker made his way to the stage, gaining everyone's attention.

The Subtle Smell Of Fish (D. Kaminari X Reader)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ