17 - Two weeks go by very Fast

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"Well that was unnecessary stress," Uraraka sighed walking besides you. "You handled it well though, Y/N-Sama."

"Thank you," you nodded.

You weren't much of a talker, but considering Uraraka was extroverted and social, it didn't bother either of you. She could keep talking and all you had to do was listen with occasional inputs.

"Why do you want to become a hero?" She asked you.

"Well I've always looked up to my parents and everyone else in my family who was a hero," you began, forming a rough idea. "It was also more of a path already set out for me, I never really had a choice."

Your eyes widened as you realised what you'd said, and you looked over to see the beaming girl.

"You're opening up!" She grinned brightly. "Though I am sorry that you couldn't choose your path."

"I think I would've done it anyway. I've got a powerful quirk, might as well as use it for good, right?" You smiled gently as you walked down the stairs. "What about you?"

"Well, it may sound selfish, definitely nothing like yours but... money," she stated sheepishly. "My parents had a hard life and we're poor, they work in the construction crew. So I thought if I make it into the big leagues, I can help them out and they can relax. That's why all the debuts we make are so important to me!"

"I understand that, but couldn't your quirk be used at the construction site?" You asked.

"I've said the same, but my dad says it's too dangerous," she sighed. "So I'm doing everything I can and giving everything I got, I will make a mark!"

You stifled a giggle, smiling at her.

"You're powerful Uraraka-chan, I know you can do it," you comforted her, heading into the loud lunch hall.

And so, your two weeks of training began.

'You'll each train individually in any way you want, meaning you'll be left to your own devices in hero basics,' Aizawa droned, gathering all the consent forms.

You wiped off some sweat as you continued to practice with Kirishima, both of you training fully quirkless.

Since his quirk was combat based, he'd pinned you down multiple times, though the distance between each loss was getting larger.

"Say, Y/N-Sama, why do you want to improve your quirkless combat so much?" He asked as the two of you stopped for a water break.

"If it comes down to duelling people like Bakugo, endurance is key," you explained, well aware that the third round would always be some form of duel after the first two preliminary rounds. "Having something like close combat on my side is useful, both now and in the future."

"That's super manly of you dude!" Kirishima grinned, shooting you a thumbs up before realising his slip with informalities. "Sorry."

"No worries," you shrugged, standing up. "Go again?"

'You young heroes must understand that all the training you do now will affect the outcome of the festival. Whether you take help from a friend, or from a teacher. Perhaps you'd even work alone, who knows. But all of this will determine an estimation of your position, and if you're even fit to make it into the podium,' All Might announced over and over again.

Training was different for everyone. Uraraka tried increasing her quirk maximum, while Yaoyorozu studied.

Kaminari continuously sent out large outputs of energy while Bakugo controlled his.

Everything the students around you did was to secure the first place position, while ensuring the safety of others.

But Midoriya? He did nothing. He asked questions but no improvement was visible in his quirk or combat style.

You were the complete opposite, refusing to ask for help from teachers as both your quirk control and combat style steadily improved.

Before long, all of you were completely different people in both combat and quirks.

"That's your first win," Kirishima grinned as you pinned him down, both of you sweaty and breathing heavily.

"All because of you," you nodded, standing up and lending him a hand. "Thanks a lot. I appreciate it."

As you helped him up, he noticed something on your right wrist.

Since you weren't wearing wrist bands and were training in your sports uniform, your arms were fully exposed. Most didn't look at your wrists, but Kirishima noticed it as you hauled him up.

"What's that tattoo?" He asked, pointing at your wrist.

You froze instantly, before deciding to tell him.

"The source of my power," you sighed. "A mark people in my family are generally born with. The latest emergence is when their quirk shows up. I inherited my dad's quirk, meaning the mark never showed up."

"So how'd you get it then?" He asked.

A story only Nezu and Iida knew after all your nightmares. Not even Endeavour, who was once so close to your mother knew the tale.

Now, Kirishima would find out as well.

"The L/N quirk is a distinct dragon or holograms, both of which are made by transferring heat to create a semi solid object," you began. "My father's quirk is collecting and using heat, usually as a power output."

"Kinda like All Might!" Kirishima grinned, to which you nodded.

"My father was a hero who died in action when I was young, I barely remember him but my mom would always tell tales," you continued. "Then when I was four, a quirk emerged. Stored up heat over the years being released all at once, the house burnt down. My mother had to choose, either her or me. One of us would die."

"She chose you," Kirishima whispered. "She gave you her quirk."

"A parting gift," you chuckled ruefully. "Tell anyone and I'll make you regret it."

"You've got my word," he nodded, bringing his fist up.

"What are you trying to do?" You asked, raising an eyebrow.

"C'mon! Don't tell me you don't know what a fist bump is!" He groaned. "Here, just lightly punch my fist. It's just a casual thing between friends!"

You did as he said, watching a bright grin appear on his face.

"I apologise, we didn't have them at Someii or at any other social gatherings," you mumbled sheepishly.

"No problem dude, I'll teach you all there is to socialising with teens," he grinned, draping an arm around your shoulders. "We'll get you on track in no time!"

"Thank you, Kirishima-kun," you smiled.

A friend. You'd made your first friend.

Just saying, this was a filler chapter for the two weeks, completely out of canon. In the OG, it just skips to the fest

QOTD: thoughts on the backstory?

Also I love the Kiri - Y/N friendship, you know what could make it fun? Angst.

I'll be ruining relationships left and right after the training camp arc *insert Monoma laugh*

Have a great day/night :)

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