67 - The Big Plan

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"Alright kid," you gulped. "I need you to stay here, my dragon friend here will protect you ok? There's someone who needs rescuing, and once I get him we'll all get out."

"Alright Miss," he nodded, sceptical, sitting on top of the dragon to protect his weak legs.

You mounted your other dragon, floating him up to the topmost window, which had somehow withstood the tremors of the earthquake. Just as you were about to kick it in, you noticed the body, and drew your leg back.

"Shit," you muttered, holding your palm out instead.

Sparks danced on it, and you instantly felt your body temperature decrease as you pressed your hand to the frame of the window, melting the rubber off neatly.

Angling your hand, so that the sheet landed outside onto your free hand, you jumped in and gently set the glass down before heading to the body.

You suddenly burst coughing, tearing up due to the dust. Covering your nose and mouth with your arm, creating a mask-like vacuum with your quirk before kneeling down next to the old man.

A head wound.

Steady, slow pulse.

Ragged breathing.

Unfocused eyes.

He was very clearly concussed and on the verge of a cardiac arrest due to the fumes in the area.

You wrapped a gauze around his wound hoping it would do for now, before fishing out some fabric that would keep it steady.

Loading him onto a stretcher, you jumped onto your dragon, pulling the grandpa out behind you, signalling the orange dragon protecting the kid that it was time to leave.

"Over here!" You gasped, landing next to a woman. "The grandpa is unconscious, I bandaged his head wound but he'll have a concussion. Chances are he'll die, but we've got to be prepared for anything."

You moved on, picking up the boy and handing him to her, not realising that she was an examiner.

"Crippled legs, memory works, call the parents, they're at work," you listed, before handing the boy a granola bar. "Make sure he eats this, the kid's been scared to death and back."

"Will do ma'am," the lady grinned, causing you to freeze.

"The candidates call me Lady," you glared, creating a knife. "You're HUC?"

"Yes ma'am," she sighed. "Sorry for the scare, we are informed about your history in Kamino."

However, before you could respond, you heard a distant explosion. One that didn't sound like it was created by Bakugo.

"Terrorist attack," you whispered, jumping off. "Thanks miss!"

The city centre.

That was the location of the explosion.

The cause?

Gang Orca, pro hero who was an acting villain. Probably due to being voted "ugliest looking hero" and "most villainous looking" on every hero fanatic magazine ever published.

You skidded to a halt next to Shindo and Midoriya, who had a crowd of Ketsubutsu students with them.

"Anyone with an offense quirk, come with me!" You ordered. "It's a full blown terrorist attack, we need to protect the civilians!"

"She's right," Shindo coughed, kneeling down. "It won't do much, but I'll send timed tremors. Stay off the ground if you can."

"You heard the man, let's go!" You yelled, gathering the group.

Though none of you got far, as a paralyzing wave was sent your way, trapping all of you momentarily.

"His focus is on a large group," Midoriya explained. "L/N-Dono, use your unrefined heat!"

"Call me by my last name again and I'll kill you!" You yelled, hands already sparking, enough to produce a shield.

It was small at first, only covering you. But once you could move, you covered a few more people, this process continuing until everyone escaped the radar.

You ran ahead, while many others ran off to proceed with rescue operations, using rubble as shields. Though the sight you saw when you reached the villain in the middle of the faux town was one that made you unnecessarily angry.

"Keep your argument out of the examination," you instructed, pushing your way past them, glaring up at Gang Orca.

"You're particularly tiny," he commented.

"And you're particularly ugly," you scoffed, materialising a Daishou.

You held the long Daitou up at him, under his chin, threatening him silently. Though he attacked you instead. While you were prepared already, you didn't realise how powerful the whale call was when you were much closer.

"Shit," you mumbled, clutching your ears, unable to move.

So you unleashed a move that would not only protect you temporarily, it would also give Todoroki and Yoarashi time to react.

"Hell's Prison!"

"Y/N!" Todoroki yelled, noticing you were on the verge of passing out.

"Don't worry about me, just shut up and finish this off!" You instructed.

However, their fight didn't go well either.

They were both quickly defeated due to their bickering, only teaming up together in the end to dehydrate Gang Orca. However, the fire did momentarily deteriorate and nearly harmed Shindo, to which Midoriya stepped in, furious at the two for their pointless bickering.

When you were all finally released from the hero's quirk after the exam was over, you instantly got up and slapped Todoroki.

"Y/N I-" he began though you cut him off.

"Don't interrupt me Todoroki Shoto, we both know you were an idiot to think that arguing with someone you were supposed to team up with was pointless. I know that Inasa is childish, but you? Really?" You scolded, before turning to Yoarashi. "And you. Picking fights with someone who clearly didn't remember you? How petty could you possibly be. If both of you even pass this exam I'll be surprised. Idiots, both of you."

"Y/N-" Todoroki began, only to be cut off by your glare.

You pinched the bridge of your nose, taking a deep breath in to cool yourself down. Though when you opened your eyes again, you noticed Todoroki looking up at you nervously, fiddling with his fingers and looking down as soon as you met his eyes.

It didn't take long for the realisation to hit, something that nearly made you throw up in your mouth.

"Shoto?" You asked, though the boy froze up instantly and refused to meet your eyes. "Shit I'm sorry, I don't know what overcame me, I.... I'm sorry Todoroki-San it won't happen again. But take the time you need."

"Y/N?" Todoroki called, voice breaking.

You turned to look at him, confused. The two of you were the only ones in the exam hall, the examination already having been announced as completed as all victims were rescued and the threat was eliminated.

Truth be told, you wanted to leave, wanted to receive your results, wanted to tell him how much you'd been waiting to hold him in your arms. But when you saw your childhood best friend crying, you knew you couldn't do that to him.

"Am I really that much like my father?"

A/N: I really went "oh em gee who can I vent my 15 PTSD attacks on 😍" and wrote Todoroki "angst" like a boss 💪

QOTD: lmao thoughts on the "angst"?

Have a great day/night!!

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