92 - Prepping for the School Festival is the Funniest Part! (part 2)

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"Y/N," Todoroki called, sitting opposite you. "Am I interrupting something?"

"No, Denki's just doing his homework, what's up?" You shrugged, turning to your friend.

"Well our class is doing the band and dance thing for our school festival, and we need one more person on the design and effects team," Todoroki explained. "The only people who still need to be recruited are you and Midoriya. Could you join us, that way Midoriya could join the dance team? Your holograms could be effective, and we were considering a firework display as well."

"Sure, who else is on there?" You asked.

"Koda-kun, Sero and Kirishima," he nodded.

"Alright, that sounds doable," you grinned.

That week continued to go by in a dreary manner, the days rolling past endlessly as if the never meant to finish. Until finally, you reached the following Saturday.

"This week was the worst," Ashido groaned collapsing onto the couch.

"Tell me about it," Kaminari whined, sitting next to her. "It's Saturday morning and I can't even find the energy to text my mom."

"I'm just waiting for us to figure everything out regarding planning," you yawned.

"It's still Saturday though," Jirou reminded, fixing her guitar strings. "We should seriously practice if we ever stand a chance at improvising, should Bakugo start something."

"What'd you say?" The blonde yelled.

"Shut up, you're too loud," Todoroki grumbled.

"Headache?" You asked, to which he nodded.

You hummed as he sat beside you, nearly dozing off onto your shoulder if it weren't for Midoriya bursting in.

"Guys, Eri's here!" He announced, grinning widely.

You instantly flinched at the announcement, causing the already half awake boy next to you to jolt upright.

"Eri's visiting," you explained, to which his eyes widened out of curiosity.

Todoroki was quick to get up, walking out to meet the girl along with the rest of the class, who all dragged you along. Your classmates all introduced themselves, happy to meet her in person, instead of listening to the stories the others said.

"Let's see the fair, I'll show you around!" Midoriya grinned. "Y/N-Sama, do you want to come?"

You froze instantly, as Eri looked up at you with big eyes. Nodding stiffly, you joined them, so as to not concern anyone.

Togata picked Eri up effortlessly, walking ahead, Midoriya and you beside him as he pointed out all the attractions.

"Yeah, it's our day off today," he grinned, explaining why everyone was bustling around on a Saturday.

The streets leading up to Heights Alliance were crowded with stalls in the making, with students flitting from place to place like bees. It was busier than a beehive in spring.

"This is truly amazing," Midoriya awed.

"Well, it's our third one so it gets pretty unremarkable," Togata laughed.

"It's my eighth," you dead panned.

"You've lived here too?" Eri asked innocently.

"Yeah Eri, I'll tell you why when you're older," you smiled weakly.

The four of you walked along, Midoriya and Togata chatting, though it wasn't long before you were dragged away by a foreign figure.

"What the hell?" You asked, twisting in his grip. "Let go of me Bakugo!"

"It's Katsuki," he glared, dropping you. "And you're coming back."

"Am not, who are you to decide that for me?" You scoffed, before another figure caught your eyes.

You grinned instantly, pushing past the blonde to talk to him.

"Y/N-Sama!" Monoma grinned, waving at you.

"What's with that ridiculous costume?" You laughed.

"It's for our play, 'Romeo, Juliet and the Prisoner of Azkaban: The Return of the Kings', cool right?" Monoma announced proudly. "I don't care, anyways, we're the better class according to popularity votes at least!"

"That's lovely, is anyone recording the play?" You asked. "I don't know if we can see it, since our stall is booked the whole day, but I don't want to miss it."

"As if I'd give a recording to measly class A, what do you take me for?" Monoma scoffed dramatically.

Awase instantly grabbed a baseball bat, ready to knock him out, though you reacted and put up a shield before the impact could reach.

"That could cause long term damage," you glared, watching as Monoma looked at you with a shocked expression, realising that you'd protected him.

"Sorry, Kendo-San is the only one who can deal with him and she's off preparing for the beauty pageant," Awase informed sheepishly.

"She is beautiful, and simplistic, I hope she wins," you nodded, before turning back to Monoma. "The recordings?"

"Yeah, I think Pony-San's parents are burning CDs for us," Monoma mumbled. "What about your concert?"

"I'm sure someone will have it recorded, but if you really want to see measly 1-A play you can just see us live," you smirked.

"As if!" Monoma scoffed, before turning since one of his classmates called. "See you later?"

"See you, Monoma-kun," you grinned, heading back to Bakugo. "Now, talk."

"Deku told me why you were avoiding me," Bakugo admitted. "I didn't want to believe it but he's right, you choose everyone over me. I'm the one who saw you get tortured back there, I'm the one you're in complete sync with. But you chose Dunce Face as your friend, as your boyfriend even, and you chose Monoma Neito from 1-B over me. Do I mean nothing to you?"

"If Midoriya-San told you then you should've understood," you glared.

"We fought back to back, we made a deal," Bakugo reminded. "You backed out. You aren't a liar, you don't break promises, so why now."

"So quick to judge character, but can't even judge your own," you drawled. "The deal was that we'd not only watch each other's backs, but we'd be open. We hated each other's guts, and suddenly we were best friends? Remember the countless nights after the attack that we spent awake, either talking or just enjoying the other's company? We wouldn't have done that before. So tell me, Bakugo Katsuki, do you want to be my friend or are you just scared of seeing me on the verge of death again?"

Multiple nights since you'd moved into the dorms were spent in the bathroom, especially soon after the attack. Nightmares led to panic attacks, some of which even caused one or both of you to throw up. The frequency had decreased a lot, but it still happened. Up until a month ago, when you stopped talking to Bakugo completely. You faced those nights alone, and only left a glass of water outside the door for him.

"I don't know," Bakugo groaned. "Why is it so complicated with you?"

Your eyes widened in anger, rage flashing in them as you clenched your fists. Bakugo noticed his mistake instantly as well, opening his mouth to say something, though he couldn't bring himself to speak. You only shook your head in disappointment and pursed your lips, leaving him standing there. You knew there were other people who were worth your time, and Bakugo was not one of them. Keeping that in mind, you trudged back to school.

Back to people who respected you.


/N: Bakugo took a major L there

QOTD: who do ya'll think is right, argument wise 😗

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Have a great day/night!!

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