35 - Stain vs. U.A students (part 2)

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Time seemed to slow down as blood trickled gently down Todoroki's left cheek, Stain's tongue extended to lick it off his face. Your eyes widened as he pushed you away, Todoroki instantly lighting up his fire as soon as you were away from his left side.

You tripped over your feet, crashing with your head against the wall of the building causing a little blood to trickle whilst Todoroki and Stain duelled each other.

"Todoroki-kun please, stop fighting, this is my fight as I inherited the Ingenium hero name," Iida begged as you stood up once more.

"The Ingenium hero name requires more respect, he was a hero everyone loved because he didn't put vengeance into his work," Todoroki glared, sending more ice walls to Stain as you regained your balance.

Suddenly, Stain sliced through the ice walls, throwing two daggers at Todoroki.

However, you were faster.

You slid towards the boy, a golden shield up as you crouched on the floor, energy from your father's quirk being combined with the form of your mother's and causing the daggers both to melt.

"My shields are usually cold," you explained as the hot iron dripped. "Heat compressed will only cool down, no matter what."

Todoroki gasped as he realised where you were going with this, instantly helping you up with his left arm to fuel your energy intake.

"Combining it with my father's heat absorbent and output based quirk increases the quality of my shields by a lot," you commented, smirk playing at your lips as your eyes glinted dangerously. "Don't you think?"

Before Stain could respond however, he was attacked by Midoriya, who grabbed him and tried to throw the vigilante over his shoulder, only to be swatted away like he was nothing but a fly.

"Todoroki-kun, the effect might be based around number of targets, how much he's ingested, or blood type!" Midoriya yelled. "Keep distance!"

Midoriya activated his Full Cowl while Todoroki kept his flames going. And you? You had your runes ready, prepared to create and use any weapons.

However, just as Midoriya attacked, Stain slashed his leg and licked off the blood, paralysing him once more.

"Deku-kun!" You gasped, eyes wide as you noticed how deep the cut was.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled, eyes downcast.

"Please stop, you are only getting hurt for my sake!" Iida begged as he saw your condition.

"If you want this to stop then stand up, because I've just got one thing to say to you!" Todoroki glared, blocking Stain's attack with another ice wall. "Never forget who you wanna become!"

'Who do you want to be Shoto?' You asked, trying to comfort him. 'It's ok if your mom or dad don't like it if you're happy.'

'Really?' He asked, looking up at you teary eyed. 'You really think so?'

"You remember," you whispered, dizzy as you shakily regained balance, your head wound from earlier starting to get the better of you.

"I'm sorry I ever forgot," he nodded, sending you an apologetic glance.

'I see, you're the girl my brother rescued,' Iida observed sternly.

Even at eight years of age, he prided himself on his family heritage, something you had always tried to conceal after your time in the slums.

You nodded in response, watching him ramble on about how he wanted to be like his brother.

How someone could make their mind on a fixed goal at such a young age still boggled you, for you'd experienced earth shattering changes, though you never attempted talking him out of it since he seemed hellbent on making it happen.

"He always wanted to be like his brother," you whispered, eyes downcast. "Tensei was our role model."

You looked up briefly, causing Todoroki to noticed the tears of anger pricking at your eyes as you spoke about Tensei.

"I'll become a hero like my brother, and stick to the promise I made to him years ago!" Iida declared, breaking free from Stain's quirk.

'Keep her safe Tenya,' Tensei grinned, to which the boy promised he would.

You smiled softly at the memory, knowing that he had tried his best in ensuring you were safe.

"You're right, I am a failure of a hero and will never compare to my friends who came to knock sense into me," Iida admitted, just as you charged in a second time to keep Stain away from Todoroki. "But I don't want to be outpaced by Deku, Shoto, Firefly or my brother."

You glared over at him briefly, annoyed by the shallow motivation, though let it be as the Katana Stain swung nearly sliced your rib. Tripping as you dodged it, you fell onto your knees, eyes quivering in fear as you looked up at him.

"You're worthy but still a threat," Stain snarled, raising his Katana high up to stab it into your shoulder.

Though before he could, Iida used his Recipro Burst and kicked the blade, successfully breaking it.

He then kicked Stain away and reached a hand out to you, which you gratefully accepted.

"I'm sorry for getting the three of you involved due to my foolishness, especially when I wanted you to stay safe," Iida apologised, glancing at you with a more earnest look than you'd ever seen in his eyes. "I don't want you spilling more blood for my fight."

"Tenya we're here to fight for you, to fight with you," you reminded. "We don't need you getting hurt even further."

"Step away girlie, you're worthy," Stain demanded. "He's a fake hero, cancers like him need to be eliminated."

"Don't listen to him," Todoroki began, though Iida interrupted him.

"He's right. I'm not a true hero," he admitted, letting go of your hand. "Which is why I cannot give up so easily as doing so means that the Ingenium lineage would die. Shoto, please cool my engine."

Iida moved over to Todoroki to receive some ice, though before they could be frozen properly, Stain through a dagger at the Todoroki's right hand. You were quick to react, jumping inbetween and taking the hit. It was less risky than using vital warmth from the atmosphere that Todoroki needed.

"Bastard," you glared, plucking the knife out of your left bicep and wiping it clean on your skirt. "Let's finish him off."

Midoriya nodded, One for All activated as he jumped off Todoroki's ice platforms, Iida joining him as soon as his leg was cooled. The duo aimed kicks at him while you took a deep breath, hesitantly releasing the move you'd trained to perfect the past three days.

'Do your best, Hajime-nii.'

A/N: lots of new friendships and relationship changes, it's for character development arc later!!

QOTD: what was Y/N's move?

Have a great day/night!

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