80 - Close at Hand!!

84 2 18

T/W: rape mentions, torture, death, gore, blood, peer pressuring, electric shock treatment, panic attack

"Sit down," Mr. Brave instructed. "Both of you stumbled upon the kid way too easily. You really think he'll be keeping her in the same place?"

"Brave is right, we don't know where the girl is being kept," Ryukyu nodded. "Intern Lady Firefly, Centipeder, have you found out anything while you were researching the drugs? Or Bubble Girl and Nighteye?"

You screamed for help, small voltages of electricity being sent down your spine at random intervals.

"No, I don't," Nighteye informed, lips pursed.

On certain occasions, you'd come back home bloodstained and bruised.

"We were focusing on the patterns of their movements to predict where drop zones A and B should be, Yakuza is dangerous," Centipeder explained. "We hope to strike as soon as possible, as postponing it will only give the Shie Hassaikai time to counterattack."

It all depended on what he wanted, because either way, no one would come to rescue you.

"So that's why you've gotten heroes that are familiar with the area," Mr. Brave asked Nighteye.

You were alone.

"Sir Nighteye we gotta move faster, there's a girl being tortured by a man here every passing minute we wait," Fat Gum glared. "And we all know what else that girl might be undergoing, it might not just be blood!"

"Enough," you interjected, standing up. "Chisaki needs her in top tier condition for the bullets, raping her is too much of a risk. And Sir Nighteye has a plan, right?"

"Thank you, Lady Firefly," Nighteye nodded. "We will not be charging in like All Might, that is pure recklessness. The Shie Hassaikai has the upper hand, they are Yakuza, they know everything about us. What do we know about them? Nothing. We don't even know where their dammed hideout is. I cannot rush the process and I want Eri back safely as much as you all do, but we will just have to hope that intern Lady Firefly's hypothesis is correct."

To wait and watch. That was all the heroes did.

"I agree with Nighteye," Gran Torino nodded, gesturing the younger hero to sit down. "One misstep and we'll have a casualty. We need to tread carefully to ensure no one dies and the girl gets out."

What if they waited too long?

This caused all the other heroes to disagree with each other, the people yelling at each other as the table broke out into full clamour.

Your heartbeat increased.

'Calm down Y/N.'

Breathing grew ragged.

'Y/N calm down.'

You clawed at the hem of your shorts, digging your nails into them.

'Y/N for the love of God, calm down.'

Your eyes scanned the table, flickering from figure to figure, each becoming more blurry as the seconds passed. Until you remembered a little something.

'Here, it helps me focus.'

The fidget toy, something you'd always carried on you ever since that incident. It helped you relax, and it did so quietly.

"Nighteye," Eraserhead groaned, glaring at the hero. "Your quirk. What's it do? You can see into the future right?"

Six years would end this year.

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