34 - Stain vs. U.A students! (part 1)

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"Who are we fighting, surely you have a villain in mind that we need to apprehend?" You asked Gran Torino a while after the train journey started.

However, before he could reply, the train came to an emergency stop causing the two of you to lurch forward.

"Move!" You yelled, pushing Midoriya out of the way, just as a pro hero came crashing in through the window.

"Are you ok?" The greenette asked, getting up and helping you up instantly.

You nodded, though pulled Midoriya back instantly as you noticed him attempt to leave the carriage and follow Gran Torino.

"Stay put!" The hero yelled, rushing out to help the other pros.

"Firefly we're in Hosu City," Midoriya hissed, only to receive a glare from you.

"You think I don't know that?" You glared. "Look at this place, it's burning. I won't let you go if you're going to look for Tenya, we gotta find more heroes."

After a moment's silence, he finally agreed, and the two of you set on your way as Midoriya activated One for All and you activated your father's quirk.

"Don't do anything stupid, the streets are crawling with Nomu," you instructed, keeping a constant watch on him as you burnt yet another Nomu.

"I won't, but he's supposed to be on site, where is he?" Midoriya rambled, looking about for Iida.

"Hunting Stain," you scoffed, using heat from the flames beneath to give you a liftoff.

The gentle lift using your father's quirk was enough to jump high off the ground, allowing you to scan the area briefly with your visor as well.

"Northwest, an alley," you informed him. "Situation doesn't look good, so let's hurry."

"So much for not running after him," Midoriya grumbled.

"We know he's chasing Stain, and he might not look it, but Tenya is reckless," you sighed. "I won't let him die on me."

"Up ahead, that's them!" Midoriya noticed, speeding up ahead with you trailing behind him.

"From above!" You instructed, to which he nodded, jumping up to land a punch straight down on Stain's face while you slid past the duo to help Iida.

"Deku-kun, Firefly, why-" Iida began, though you slapped him instead.

"To save you from your stupidity!" You scoffed.

"Can you move?" Midoriya asked, to which Iida confirmed that he was immobilized.

"Your efforts are appreciated but intervene and I'll kill your friend," Stain threatened. "Leave and I spare your life."

"You will never get your hands on my friend under my watch," you glared, stepping in front of Iida, quirk sparking at your fingertips.

"Both of you stay out of it, this has nothing to do with you!" Iida pleaded, strain evident in his eyes as he watched the two of you willingly sacrifice yourselves for his folly.

"A hero would never get anything done by that logic," Midoriya scoffed. "Because a hero's main job is to get involved in other people's business and help them out!"

"Very well, then I'll duel the boy first," Stain grinned, to which Midoriya bravely stepped forward and engaged in combat.

Suddenly, you felt your phone buzzing in your pocket.

"Shoto?" You asked, confused as soon as you saw the caller ID. "I'm in battle, I need to go."

'Are you and Midoriya ok?' He asked, breath ragged. 'Is anyone else there, do I need to bring someone?'

"Shoto we're fine, just Stain," you hissed.

'The hero killer?' He panicked. 'I'll be there, Midoriya sent me your location. Dad!'

"No- Shoto for fucks sake-" you groaned as he hung up, but didn't bother stopping him.

You pocketed your phone once more and watched Midoriya fight him, the scene a blur of green and red. Though suddenly, his quirk stopped working and he froze in place.

"Your turn girlie," Stain grinned maniacally, Katana drawn ready to fight.

You bent your knees, the energy from the ground coursing through your legs, improving your strength while your hands themselves materialised a Daishou set.

One long sword and one short sword in your hands, the short Shoto in your left hand and close to your chest while the longer Daitou was in your right hand and prepared for melee combat.

"A swordsman are you?" He asked, eyebrow raised, though his expression fell as soon as he noticed the seal on your sword's hilt.

The man rushed to you instantly, fear and anger raging in his eyes as he attacked you.

"Familiar?" You taunted, dueling him and kicking a sword out of his hands.

The L/N family was not only known for their unique quirk, but also for their skill in weaponry, a trait passed down generations of warriors. You learnt how to handle a sword for two years from your mother, and the remainder was taught by Nezu and the scrolls.

He snarled at your response, slashing at your ribcage with his one remaining Katana, though you were faster and retorted with your shorter sword, neatly melting his Katana in the process.

Suddenly, an attack of ice and fire came from behind you, that you just managed to dodge as you saw Stain do the same.

"You should've specified in your message, I was nearly late," Todoroki scolded, breathing out a puff of fog.

"How many of you are there?" Stain scoffed indignantly, giving you enough time to slide behind him and hold him in a chokehold.

"Shoto I told you not to come, it's dangerous," you glared.

"The three of you seem fine, and my father's bringing backup," he shrugged.

"Your father's what?" You sputtered. "I'm not mentally prepared to deal with him. Glad you're using your fire though."

He merely nodded at that, sending a wave of ice your way. You let go of Stain and scampered away in the last minute, though the vigilante still managed to dodge the attack.

"Damn bastard," you grumbled, your short Shoto wedged into the wall of a nearby building as you clung onto it.

You were quick to jump off and slid over to Todoroki, securing Native in a safe place beforehand.

"You're ok?" He asked, eyeing you up and down.

"Yeah, I'm fine," you nodded. "Just don't let him ingest your blood."

"Melee combat, my strong suit," he mumbled, sending a blast of flames in Stain's direction which the vigilante easily dodged.

Though suddenly, Stain lunged forward at the two of you, tongue outstretched towards Todoroki. You turned to the boy and noticed a cut on his face right below his scar, blood trickling faintly from it.

Time seemed to slow.

A/N: Todo Y/N friendship!! Also since I forgot to say this before, appreciate salty Midoriya Izuku he is canonicaly pretty sarcastic. Man's grew up with Bakugo, he isn't a bitch that won't swear and definitely isn't an "innocent uwu green bean"

Ok rant about fanon over

QOTD: thoughts on Y/N knowing swords?

Yes I did research about Japanese sword art just for this.

Have a great day/night!

The Subtle Smell Of Fish (D. Kaminari X Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz