Chapter Thirteen

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Loki sighed as Thor guided him to his room. "I can walk on my own." Loki said, uniterested and somewhat pissed that they had ruined his moment with you, he tried to get Thor's grip off of him, but Thor did not budge and kept his hand on Loki's arm. When they entered the room, Thor put the chains back to his brother and left the room without a word being uttered.

Loki sighed and layed on the bed his, his hands together(not that he had a choice) as he stared at the ceiling and wonder what they are tellung you by now. "Most probably convincing Y/N that I am not to be trusted." He thought to himself, he turned and then remembered the words you had told him. "Whatever you want to shout, whenever, I want to hear it." your voice echoed in his mind a smile start to creep its way to his lips. He closed his eyes and remembered your calm face being lit up by the moon, he remembered every detail your face had as you both spoke in truth and joke around as well. He wanted to be with you, to spend more time with you, to get to know you. Loki heard himself laugh lightly at what he was feeling, "Why must I fall for such mortal," He thought and sighing to his confession to himself. "Now I know what Thor had been feeling with Jane." He thought again, not trying to deny his feeling towards you, with that in mind, Loki fell into a deep, and for the first time in a while, comforting slumber.

The next day came and Thor woke Loki up. Loki slowly sat up, eyes still a little bit squinted and said, "What is it that you want?" He asked, voice still soar from awakening. "I wanted to speak with you." Thor answered. "You couldn't have waited for me to be awoken on my own." Loki complained as he tried his best to stretch his body with the restraints. "You do not complain about the restraints." Thor said, almost asked. Loki turned to him and said, "I have tried, but my complaints have never reached your brain." scoffing. "Speaking of it is useless." Loki continued, taking a while to it properly sit by the edge onhis bed. Thor looked at the crumpled expression Loki had as he try to as if shake off the chains, cursing it, with a growing smile and stopped laughter, Thor walked towards Loki and took the chains off. Loki looked at his brother in shock. "Are you to throw me in Asgard?" Loki asked, jumoing into conclusions, looking for reason why he had freed him from the chains. "I am banned there, even if you try, I'm certain you will fail." Loki said, explaining the obvious. "I am aware." Thor said and sat beside his brother. "Y/N had trusted you enough to leave your room without your restraints, in less than two weeks." Thor started. Loki only raised an eyebrow at his brother, unsure where this conversation was going. "She had defended you from Tony and Natasha's harsh words, and brought up the past she had been avoiding, just for you. " Loki felt his heart jump as a small smile started to grow on his lips, but along with that was worry, a past that you avoided? What was that?Thor looked at his brother intently, "Litsen to me, Loki." Thor said inching closer to his brother, intterupting Loki's worried thoughts. "She trusts you will all she has," Thor trailed off, "Do not break that trust." Thor warned.

They both stayed in this position for a while. Loki chuckled. "I do not need such words from you," he started, trying to brush off Thor's worries, and mask his emotions, he still wasn't fond of Thor being this goddie-good to him. "However, I thank you for your concern." Loki continued, a hint of mockery in his voice. Thor only sighed, as he also was aware of Loki's feeling, he knew he was only scared to admit it infront of Thor, with that Thor stood up and left Loki's room, intentionally leaving his brother unchained.

You stopped infront of yellow taped door, the house of a victim. Tony was able to talk you three's way into checking the crime scene and now here you stand. You fixed your surgical glove on, to prevent the three of you leaving a fingerprint and with a breath, you entered the house.
The house was clean, no sign of kidnapping was seen, no knocked down lamps, or moved chairs, no broken materials, it was as clean as a person would have just left their home. You walked around. "Could it be possible that they had shot the person?" You asked as the three of you started to check the walls for possible bullet holes. "That is very possible." Tony answered. "But let's hope that it did not hit that person, and find that bullet hole." He continued. You nodded in agreement, Tony was right, you should think it had missed, and hope that whoever was taken from their home was not harmed in any way. 60 minutes in, nothing the walls, ceiling, floors, it was clean, no sign of bullet holes, or cover ups. You ran your fingers on you hair in frustration. You groaned, Tony his hands on his waist, breathed out, as both him and Natasha felt as frustrated as you did. You opened your eyes and looked at the sofa. God, how I just want to sit down. You thought as stared at the sofa still. eyebrows furrowed and you walked closer to the sofa, leaning in a specific place, and squinting your eyes. "What is this?" You murmured as you held your hand out at a stitched part of the coach. "What did you see?" You heard Black Widow say as both her and Tony got close to you.
You let out your dagger from your belt and slowly, started to cut the stitches off of the coach, and sure enough another layer of the same cloth popped out, however it was damaged. You all let out a light laugh and looked at each other.

A bullet hole.

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