53."Undisciplined" harpy.

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A month has passed since the incident and since you became the right hand man for your queen Catherine. Within that time you managed to talk Catherine into changing Quinfalls location. She seemed almost afraid of using teleportation magic or maybe she's afraid of using magic that uses a lot of energy, hell if you know. Eventually, you convinced her that that would not only get everyone away from the cleared dungeon that's still showing small signs of corruption from within but also make sure that nobody would attack again, even though they've been here longer than you they haven't really explored this world that much and don't know who else might attack us. You also sent out a hundred guards to make four outposts consisting of twenty five guards and since Maria and Amelia were basically doing nothing, you made them train some of the guards to become elite soldiers for Catherine. And now you were tasked to help with placing runes all around the city of Quinfall for more protection in the future, with Catherine's trusted mage.

Harpy (mage): "[y/n]~ this is the last one for today."

Mages have been assigned as simple guards before, mostly because there were so few of them back then, they used to use their magic on their weapons to make them stronger. Now that most of the kids have matured, more and more of them seem to be able to use magic. Catherine thinks that this could be the cause of the dungeon. She also made a mage school which she rarely participates in even though she is one of the two teachers and a headmaster.

You walk up next to her and place your hand on a drawn rune on the house.

[Y/n]: "How many times have you said that already?"

Harpy (mage): "This is the first time~"

Yeah... had deja vu for the past thirty minutes.

You focus on your hand, then on the rune and infuse energy into it. The rune flashes with a blue light and then disappears as if it was never there.

Learning how to infuse energy into things was almost the same as using your white flame on the sword, it just takes more focus, for now. The only problem is that only you and Catherine are able to do this without any risk while the others might get side effects. They can make the runes with no problem but when it comes to activating them, they need you or Catherine.

You walk past the harpy into the shade and sit down on the ground. The runes don't take as much energy as you thought they would but you've been walking around the city the whole day and it's been pretty exhausting.

Harpy (mage): "This was actually the last one, I'm impressed that you haven't passed out yet, buuuuuut If you want a recharge~"

She sits in your lap making sure to push her ass into your crotch and lean against your chest with a smile.

Harpy (mage): "I can think of a few ways to do it and make it pleasurable as a bonus~"

If it were the first time any of them have done this, you would be blushing right now but since it's not, your face doesn't change expressions. Although your lower body part speaks for itself.

Harpy (mage): "Hmmm~"

You try to push her off of you with the strength that you have left but she stays in one place.

Harpy (mage): "No [y/n]~"

She moves her ass a little.

Harpy (mage): "You've done this to all of us, pushed our love and desire for you to the side. I've been thinking, maybe you just like being forced in to this~ hosnestly, I don't think I even care what you will do to me after this but for no-"

???: "Is that so?"

The girl in your lap jumps a little from the sudden interruption and slowly turns her head to where the voice came from.

The girl in front of you was the one that has spent most of her time around you. Stalking you either from afar or from the sky, and boi is she furious right now.

Fortune: "You wouldn't mind if I killed you right here and now, right?"

Harpy (mage): "F-Fortune."

Her voice was trembling.

You just had to be persistent huh? The others would listen while you... you had to make weird assumptions and do that to yourself.

The girl turned to you with pleading eyes wanting you to help her out but you shake your head and she turns back to Fortune and stands up. The harpy bowed her head to Fortune apologetically, while she did seem genuine about her apology she was still standing in front of you which means her butt was right before your eyes. You try not to look to not make her punishment worse for her own little mistake but the moment you glanced at Fortune, you knew that she had noticed.

Fortune: "So you're not taking my words seriously?"

Fortune takes a few steps forward and places her hand on the girls shoulder which she grips tightly. The harpy winces from the pain and looks up at Fortune, when she does she quickly looks back down as she notices the gaze which could burn a hole through her.

Fortune: "Now then, I'll be taking this one with me [y/n]~"

[Y/n]: "To where?"

She looks you in the eyes with her usual smile.

Fortune: "To get some special training, just for her~"

[Y/n]: "Just don't be too hard on her."

Fortunes: "No promises, especially with this one."

You sigh as Fortune takes the girl away. All of them are probably wondering why I'm not doing anything with them even though they are throwing themselves at me, there is a pretty simple answer to that, at this point I simply can't, mostly because one of them will surely go insane if I don't sleep with her first. Fortune and the others have been working together but it doesn't mean that they are still not rivals.

You were about to get up but then you noticed something coming out of the shadow that you were sitting in, it was Jane. She's usually near you when you're in the city, just in case something like this happens and Fortune isn't around.

Jane: "This one was pretty bold."

[Y/n]: "Well, its not like everyone is this stubborn."

A weird smile creeps on to Jane's face.

Jane: "Yeeaah... they've been properly disciplined..."

Properly disciplined? What kind of hell are you making them go through?

Jane: "But enough about that."

She walks up to you and extends her hand.

Jane: "Can you walk?"

You take her hand and stand up.

[Y/n]: "I didn't lose that much energy so I should be fine."

Jane: "I'll be by your side if you need anything."

She sinks back into the shadow as you walk out of the shade and turn to where Catherine's throne room is.

A bit late on the update, sorry about that...

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