66.Saved by a vampire.

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The whole time while moving back you tried to find a way to destroy the white orbs that were following your group. You didn't take any extra daggers with you since you didn't think that something like this could happen. You tried throwing a few rocks at it that you found while moving back but none of them hit the mark and you couldn't really tell why.

One of the reasons could be that you missed because even thought you somewhat know where the orb is, the light makes it really difficult to tell how far it is. Another reason as to why is most likely because a few of them are protecting the orbs while the others attack your group and the last reason that comes to your mind is that Rachel or someone is moving them a bit to the side before the rock hits them. You tried to think of other reasons but before you could, what you feared the most started happening.

Neko (Healer): "I...don't think I can keep healing you guys."

You feel someone leaning against your back.

Neko (Healer): "Stay like this...for...a bit..."

After she says that, you feel her full weight on you. You grab her by the hand before turning around so she wouldn't fall to the ground.

Dragon (Warior): "Things aren't looking good for us."

It doesn't take long before you notice blood dripping from the harpy girls hand that stood in front of you.

Rachel: "It seems like your defense can't last that long without a healer."

The puddle of blood below them starts to shape in to blades and pierce their legs, making you stop completely. Surprisingly they still stand and defend from every incoming attack.

Now I'm really curious about that training.

Rachel: "Okay, I think that that's enough messing around."

The vampires that were running around stop and the only thing you can hear is Rachel coming from behind. The dragon behind you tries to block or deflect the attack but ends up flying right in to you and you push the girl in front of you forward. You still hold on to the healer while the two girls try to fight off the vampires but with their defence broken and pierced legs they can't do much and get pinned down to the ground.

The light from the orbs decreases as they surround you, which allows you to see but still produces enough light to not let you escape.

Rachel: "You guys should really learn from them."

Their triumphant expressions change when Rachel says that but they don't say anything back to her.

Rachel: "You guys can do whatever you want with the others, the only one I really need is..."

She walks up to you and looks down at you with a very smug grin on her face.

Rachel: "...You. Sadly for you I'll speed up the process of cutting those ears off of your head."

She kicks the healer out of your hands and presses one of her paws against your throat, while her claws on the other hand move closer to your cat ears. You try to stop her but two vampires quickly push your hands to the ground and hold them there. You feel a light sting on one of your ears as the claws start to cut into your ear but before she can properly cut it your ear twitches to the sound of someone coming your way.

Rachel: "You heard something? It can't be him now can it?"

One of the vampires run in breathing heavily and all of you turn your attention to her.

Rachel: "First time I've seen one of you being this tired, the hell happened to you?"

The vampire first looks at you and then at Rachel.

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