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You wake up with a horrible headache, you slowly lift your head off of the soft pillow that you were laying on and touch the back of your head and instead of your hair you feel something like a cloth...a wet cloth.

Helen: "Rest [y/n]."

You felt two gentle hands lower your head back on to the "pillow", which you now assume is her lap since you weren't on a bed but on a cold ground.

You open your eyes and check your hand, there was a bit of blood on your palm but it seems that the cloth has absorbed most of it. Then you look up to see Helen looking down on you with a smile.

Helen: "Your head must hurt pretty badly."

[Y/n]: "Yeah, but it's not unbearable."

If I try to heal my wound, I would fall asleep again but if she's here... no, I would be on a bed and Florence would be looking over me if we were back in the city.

Helen: "I'm sorry that I couldn't do anything else about your wound, I don't know any healing magic so I had to act fast and-"

[Y/n]: "It's fine, thanks for looking after me."

Helen: "I'll always look after you [y/n]~"

She placed her hand on your head and started to gently caress your hair, it felt nice to the point where you slowly let go of all the thoughts in your head and closed your eyes. You were about to fall asleep when you started hearing footsteps coming your way, that's when everything you wanted to ask and do came back to you.

You open your eyes again and try to get up but all the strength that you had before coming here has dissapeared. You turn your head to the right where you see a dark wall, when you turn to the left you see metal bars, it becomes clear where you are. Suddenly Helen leans in to your ear and whispers...

Helen: "It seems that an interrogation will soon begin... for both of us."

The footsteps stop in front of your cell.

Maria: "So, you're awake~ that's perfect~ Rachel!"


You can hear someone running towards Maria, Rachel comes into view and places a chair for Maria to sit on.

[Y/n]: "Rachel, why are you on her side?"

Rachel: "If you were [y/n] you would know."

With those words she turns around and leaves but by the sound of her footsteps she doesn't go far. Maria sits down and crosses her legs as you prepare for her questioning.

Maria: "Now then, tell me, who the hell are you? I doubt that that guy could come back from the dead by himself or with someone's help, who In their right mind would want to save him anyway, you on the other hand look just like him but the way you acted there is one of the reasons why you're still alive."

I could tell her what's going on but would it really be a good idea to tell them? I'm not sure if I even can, I'm only here because somebody messed with their minds or got me in another world, if they have such power and they didn't want me to tell them about this they could probably just kill them but then again, why leave me with these memories?

The minutes pass in silence as you try to come up with an answer.

Maria: "Not gonna talk? Hmmm...For a moment you changed and started talking like him but before your sword reached me, you kicked me out of the way, why? Why didn't you kill me when you had the chance to do it?"

You decide not to talk and another few minutes pass by in silence.

Maria: "You're starting to irritate me but it's fine, I know who might get you talking."

Helen grips her heart and screams in pain but her scream gets cut short as she tries to breath but can't get any air into her lungs.

Maria: "She's the real reason as to why you're still alive right now, will you start talking or let her die?"

I doubt that she's bluffing, it seems that Helen betrayed them to protect me, if she dies I'll die too but this could also be a test for both of us. She knows that she killed the other me and that I'm just someone trying to take his place... for some reason. I just hope that this isn't some sort of a plan of theirs.

[Y/n]: "Stop! I'll talk! There's no need to hurt Helen."

Helen coughs and gasps for air but whenever she coughed it seemed like she was in even more pain. You took one of her hands into yours and used the energy that you gained after waking up to use healing magic on her. The coughing slowly stopped as she calmed down and fell asleep in a pretty uncomfortable position. You return your gaze back to Maria and look into her judging eyes.

Maria: "Now that she's asleep you won't know if something is affecting her but I wouldn't want her to suffer because of your mistakes anyway."

Even though they've been working together, they really don't show mercy to traitors.

Maria: "Lettuce try this again then, what are you and what's your name?"

[Y/n]: "I'm a human, my name is [y/n]."

Maria: "If you're him, why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?"

My head hurts and even if it didn't I probably still wouldn't know how to answer it so I guess I'll just answer it with another question.

[Y/n]: "Why would I want to kill you?"

Maria: "Why?"

She stands up and from her eyes you can tell that she's slowly giving into her anger.

Nice one me, should've put more thought into it.

Maria: "You've killed so many of us including the two people I care about the most, NONE OF US DESERVED WHAT YOU DID!!"

She closes her eyes and calms herself down and then sits back on her chair.

Maria: "I remember killing you, making you suffer as much as possible and yet, look at you, you're here, acting as if nothing HAD FUCKING HAPPENED!!"

You stay silent fearing that your voice might make her take action while she's in that state.

Maria: "I'm not sure what to believe anymore, you're aura, the way you act and talk is very different compared to him, yet when you attacked me... I saw him in you..."

She stands up again, her eyes move down to the ground and she starts to think about something. After a minute or two her eyes meet yours.

Maria: "The mark... how did you get my mark?"

Another question that I can't really answer, marks like that can only be left by vampires and telling her that she left it on me when she hates me isn't an option.

[Y/n]: "I don't remember."

I'll just pretend that I don't know anything about this.

Maria: "Do you remember why you attacked us?"

[Y/n]: "I don't know..."

Her eyes focus on your movements instead of your eyes, so you stay still and just stare at her. After a minute she leaves without saying a word to you, Rachel comes into your view to pick up the chair and then follows Maria out of wherever you are.

With them gone, Helen sleeping and you having barely any strength you decide to sleep while you can.

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