27.A date?

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After reading what the book says about everyone a few more times, you put it back on the table.

There is a lot I didn't know, it'll be a lot to remember too. Well it's time to go.

You stand up and walk to the door, before opening the door you look back at the book but it's not there anymore.

This world is full of surprises as always. You think to yourself.

You walk out of the room and go outside.

I should go to the dungeon but I told Fortune that I would spend more time with her, maybe spending some time with her wouldn't hurt, I really don't want to be taken by force like she said she would do. I wonder where she is.

You walk around the village looking for Fortune. It didn't take you long to find her, she was talking with one of the guards.

Fortune: "I better not see you sleeping again!"

Guard: "Im really sorry, it won't happen again!"

The guard looks to the side,  embarrassed and sees you coming.

Fortune: "You shouldn't look away while I'm talking to you."

She turns her head to look at where the guard was looking.

Fortune: "[y/n]!"

[Y/n]: "Hey Fortune."

The guard starts to slowly walk away but Fortune notices it and grabs the guard by the hand.

Fortune: "Where do you you're going?"

The guard laughted nervously and tried to get out of Fortunes grip.

Fortune: "What should I do with you? [Y/n] got any ideas?"

[Y/n]: "Maybe you should let her go this time?"

Fortune: "Maybe... ok, I'll let you go but if I find you sleeping again..."

The guard looks at Fortune with a terrified look, Fortune let's go of her hand and she walks away.

Fortune: "So, why are you here?"

[Y/n]: "I uhh... I wanted to spend time with you, like I kinda promised."

Fortune: "Finally!"

She jumps to hug you.

Fortune: "Where do you want to go? Or maybe you want to do something?~"

[Y/n]: "I didn't really think of anywhere to go."

Fortune: "Then we will go to my room~"

[Y/n]: "W-why t-there?"

Fortune: "If you don't want to go there, then why don't we go to nice place."

[Y/n]: "And where would that be?"

Fortune: "I'll just say that used to be a special place for us harpies."

[Y/n]: "Used to be?"

Fortune: "We share it with everyone now."

She slowly gets closer to you and takes you into her hands (bridal style).

[Y/n]: "Wha-what are you doing?!"

Fortune: "This is the only way to get there, by the way have I or anyone else told you that you're really cute when you're blushing~"

My face is probably even more red after she said that.

She starts to fly in to the sky and when you get really high she starts to fly straight in to an unknown direction. At that moment you look down... BIG MISTAKE, you instantly hug Fortune tightly.

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