77.YOUR decision.

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Darkness surrounds you for a good minute until you blink a few times and your eyes set on some clothing in front of you. You're not sure why you're here or why you can't look away but while you fight whatever this is, your mind gets clouded with thoughts and images of...you. Suddenly you hear Florence's voice and the body you're in starts rummaging through all the clothing.

What should I wear today? Hmmmm... this is too warm, this doesn't show enough skin, this one reveals way too much.

You can feel the love coming from her and the frustration that's starting to build up just from choosing clothing to wear for you.

Maybe... going naked wouldn't be such a bad idea~ maybe then you would punish the one that needs... no, wants to be punished by you~

Before you could question this thought process, your vision goes dark and you get placed in a hospital, near the girl who's still sleeping. You try to move but you can't as yet again thoughts about you enter your mind.

I know how much you care about her and I'm giving it my all just to find a way to bring her back but I'm beginning to think that...

The girl that's laying on the bed changes into somebody else a few times but it happens so fast that you can't tell who it was.

....it's simply impossible, even with the method that I thought would work... I'm-

The rooms atmosphere changes and she quickly stands up to look around her.

Florence: "Who's there?"

The room darkens even more as a familiar dark liquid starts coming out of the ground and a dark figure forms out of it.

Dark figure: "You seem like you need some help, which I'm more than willing to provide~"

Florence: "Help? From someone like you? I doubt it."

Dark figure: "I know that you want to get [y/n] attention and I can help you with that."

Florence: "Why would you help me with it and how do you know that?"

Dark figure: "Because I want to get to know [Y/n] too and the best way to do it is through you~ besides, even you were ready to run or fight me, so what would he think."

If I accept maybe we could share but....no, I'm not a fool to believe such lies especially from someone with this dreadful aura around them.

Dark figure: "C'mon, you'll get what you want with my help and I'll get what I want with your help.... probably, if he doesn't end up attacking me."

Florence: "Why not do it yourself then?"

Dark figure: "Girl, are you stupid? Look at me, nobody is gonna look at me and say 'yeah, they look like somebody I can trust or be friends with' and if nobody trusts me, then the one who's going to be thanked for this is you."

Florence: "Then... how will you bring her back?"

Dark figure: "I can't say until we make a pact and when we do, I'll tell you everything you need to know."

Florence: "And how will this...pact work?"

The dark figure extends her hand towards Florence.

Dark figure: "All you have to do is come a little closer and take my hand, I'll do the rest."

Florence: "No...you're trying to trick me aren't you?"

Florence takes a step back, trying to look for any weapon to try and defend herself and the girl but just as she places her foot on the ground something wraps around it, when she looks down you see a dark tentacle strongly holding her in place and another one slowly moving up to her waist, chest, wrapping around her neck and stopping near her face.

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