80.A warning.

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When you approach the gates to Quinfall, the guards there stare at you with surprise for a couple of minutes which gives you some time to observe them as well.

The harpy to the left is wearing a helmet that fits well with her light armor, both of the armor pieces have unique engravings on them making her look like she's a bit more than just a guard. She also has a spear and a small shield in her hands which completes her set of armor and makes her look more intimidating. The vampire to the right doesn't seem to be wearing any armor, just some regular clothing but she has two daggers by her side and a long sword on her back which makes you wonder if she's an assassin or a warrior.

Seeing that a harpy and a vampire are guarding the gates, tells you that there's no war going on between them, atleast for now.

Melanie: "Yes, we found him, so could you stop staring and let us through?"

The two guards snap out of it when they hear Melanie's voice and while the vampire walks over to the gates, the harpy flies over them in a hurry to probably warn the others of your arrival.

Elinor: "Let's hope she handles the commotion."

[Y/n]: "Commotion? I haven't been gone for that long..."

Have I?

Elinor: "Long enough for all of us to worry about you."

The vampire opens the gate for you and let's you through. As you enter the city, you can see Catherine and two guards already walking your way. Both of them are wearing heavy armor
and have a big shield behind their back and a sword by their side like some of the other guards that you can see  walking around you and keeping the other girls that live in the city away from you.

Catherine: "It's a pleasant surprise to finally see you again [y/n], I was getting worried that we wouldn't find you but now that you're here...Well, that's one less thing to worry about."

The guard next to her nods.

Dragon(guard): "Yeah, it would have been pretty bad if we lost you."

The way Catherine worded her sentence makes you wonder what else is going on around here that requires your help but you push those thoughts away when you realise that they are waiting for you to say something.

[Y/n]: "Glad to be back~"

You answer Catherine with a bit of an awkward smile and she smiles back but her eyes focus on your body. Elinor realises why and begins explaining with a sad expression on her face.

Elinor: "He didn't have any injuries on him, but...I found him in a lake...he was about to..."

Catherine raises her hand with her palm facing towards you, which let's Elinor know that Catherine doesn't want to hear the rest of what she has to say.

Catherine: "That's enough, you shouldn't worry about what could have happened and instead, make sure that that doesn't happen again."

Elinor: "I will."

Catherine's gaze moves from your body to your eyes.

Catherine: "[Y/n]?"

[Y/n]: "Yeah?"

Catherine: "I know that you want to find her just like we all do but you put not only yourself but also the rest of us at risk of dying."

Risk of dying? Is Jane really that much of a problem? She has only attacked Catherine so far and nobody else...right? Guess I'll apologise for now and look in to this later.

[Y/n]: "I know and I'm sorry."

She folds her arms as her tone and expression gets a bit more serious.

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