44.Unexpected news

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You leave your room and exit the house to outside. You walk through the village with a smile on your face. Once you get near the throne room door you notice that the guards who are standing near the door have worried expressions on their faces.

[Y/n]: "What's wrong?"

(Neko)Guard: "You should go downstairs."

[Y/n]: "Why? Did something happen?"

(Neko)Guard: "All three queens went downstairs, the only thing they told us was that we should raise our defenses."

[Y/n]: "What?!"

You run downstairs almost not falling down. Once down in the basement, you notice many guards standing near one of the cells and voices coming from it.

Catherine: "What do you mean we're gonna get attacked!?"

You get to the cell when you hear that.

Rachel: "It's because you took our queen."

Maria: "How are you so sure that this will happen and how do you know about it?"

Rachel: "Everyone has a plan if their queen got captured, even you right?"

Maria: "I understand that but where will you get more werewolfs or others to fight with you because I know that there's not many of you."

Rachel: "You think that they only destroy or kill others, oh no they help out others just like they helped us."

[Y/n]: "So now that everyone trusts them, they will lead everyone to their death, to us..."

Rachel looked to the ground with a sad face after you said that and the three queens turned to you only now noticing that you're there.

Rachel: "Yes..."

She said it almost in a whisper.

Rachel: "I wish I could help."

(Neko)Guard: "We could have destroyed their villages, if you told us sooner."

Catherine: "It's not how it works, you will destroy them and a few will escape. It will be silent for a while but then it will start again, they will start from the weak villages and finally get to us."

(Neko) Guard: "There's more of us so there's no way they could escape."

Catherine: "Don't forget about the other villages that might come to help or come for revenge. There could be more of them in the allied villages, so if I had to say I would rather wait for them to attack."

Rachel: "They will come... and sooner than you think."

Amelia: "Do you want to fight beside us?"

Rachel: "Yes! I'd do anything to get out of this damn cell."

Amelia: "Then you will stay with [y/n] and won't leave his side. [Y/n], Joyce will be with you too."

[Y/n]: "Got it."

A guard walks in and drops the armor on the ground.

Rachel: "I don't need armor, it will just slow me down."

Catherine: "Trust me it won't."

Rachel takes the armor and puts it on. When she puts it on the armor disappears.

Rachel: "Your right, I don't feel any different, thank you."

Catherine: "Your welcome."

For a second you thought that the armor dissapeared and Lily or Ellen would have to use magic to bring it back but it seems like it went invisible for her.

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