Facing Stormterror

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"It was really nice meeting you Klee. But I have to go right now." Y/n said in a hurry.

"Awww... Will Klee be able to play with big sis Y/n again?" Klee showed her puppy eyes.

At first, Y/n wanted to decline the offer but it's impossible to say no after she did that adorable stunt. Klee is truly powerful. "Sure... Klee when I have the time, of course. Y/n forcefully said, internally hoping to never play with Klee again. Y/n turn around and was starting to leave.

Right before Y/n was about dash out the door, a hand grab onto hers. Y/n turn to look at none other then Albedo.

Albedo realised that he has yet to tell Y/n about letting her visit DragonSpine frequently. Without thinking, Albedo reached his hand out and grabbed hers. Intending to inform Y/n about his decision. When Albedo eyes widen, the moment when Y/n turned around to face him, the world seems to slow down. He could feel his heart rate starting to speed up. The way her usual dull yellow colour eyes, turned into gold . Not to mention the way her raven hair sways as she turned her head. The darkness of her hair compliments her eyes making them stand out more.

In that split second, Albedo made her to take in as much detail he can aquire in the short period of time. And soon enough, everything returned back to normal but Albedo was still awestruck .

"Albedo? Are you alright?" Oblivious to the damage she just cause to the Alchemist.

After a few more attempts to snap Albedo out of his trance with the help from Klee, Albedo finally came to.

"Albedo, sorry but I really have to go now." Y/n said starting to pry her hand from Albedo's grip.

"W-Wait, before you go... I want to let you know that... I've agreed on allowing you to visit DragonSpine whenever you liked. As long as you, don't interfere with my research... " Albedo said shyly, hand still grasping onto hers.

"Really? I can?" Y/n ask one more time to confirm this news.

Albedo simply nodded in response, Y/n was aesthetic as now she no longer have to interact with anyone. (is that really the only reason Y/n?) but she didn't let her excitement show too much. Instead she simply let out a small smile. Thanking Albedo for his choice and peered up to the clock again.

Now she was extremely, extremely late. Y/n dash through the door while saying goodbye to the two blondes.

Once Y/n was out Klee turn to her older brother.

"If big brother Albedo ever ask, Klee approve!"

Albedo was confused not getting what Klee said. He tried to get Klee to tell him but she only cheekily told him that he will get it one day.

Meanwhile, Y/n dash through the hallway almost knocking down Kaeya.

"Sorry!" Y/n said as she runs away.

Y/n finally reach the destination at the bottom of the mountain, only to find out that nobody was there.

"Did they leave without me?!"

Y/n sighed and start going up the mountain to reach the cliff. However, She felt an uneasy feeling like someone was spying on her, her suspicions  was immediately confirmed when she heard rustling from the bushes. She drew her katana fully expecting it to be an Abyss Mage. She looked over the bush to see no one was there. She was just about to leave, when she heard more rustling coming from deep within the forest.

Y/n followed the sound not intending to let it escape again. But the rustling suddenly stop. Checking her surroundings, she managed to spot a black fabric behind a tree. Predicting, his movement, she threw her katana just as the person jump out from behind the tree. The mysterious person was not expecting a katana to suddenly appear extremely close in front of him. The katana was mere inches away from his head. If he had move any closer he would have been killed.

Katana of Corruption  (Genshin impact! Albedo x Vessel! Fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now