Calm Before The Storm

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"Klee slow down!" Albedo yelled after the energetic spark knight.

"But this is Klee's first time going outdoors for a long time!" The little red girl exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement.

"I know but don't be too reckless alright?" Y/n said worriedly. While trying to keep up with her.

"Yes yes Klee will be more careful this time..." She pouted. Already running off T-posing to who knows where while her too guardians followed behind her closely.

Beside their cautious behavior, they couldn't help but smile, Albedo and Y/n was emotionally prepared for Klee to never be the same again after the whole incident. But it seems their worry was all for nothing. But they are not surprised Klee remained the same, she is a courageous young girl after all.

Y/n could see the relief in Albedo's eyes as he sees Klee jumping around without a care in the world. Yet there was also sorrow and regret in his eyes. Although Klee was fully healed, there were still numerous physical scars from that day.

"Albedo! Y/n! Look up! Doesn't that cloud looks like dodoco? And next to it has a heart shaped cloud as well!"
Klee shouted.

Y/n tried her best to use her imagination, just no matter how much she tries she just couldn't see it." (Let's be honest here we have all experience this before.)

"Yup I can totally see it!" Y/n sweatdropped.

"Likewise." Albedo said, smiling at Y/n confused expression.

"Am I the only one that doesn't see it???"

"Yup it's only you idiot."

"Great, your back."

"Of course I am, It's my duty to remind you once in a while that your a worthless scum of the earth. It is what do best."

"Are you sure hibernating isn't what you do best?"

"How could you say such cruel words? It's very hurtful you know?! Pffff..... Is that the reaction you wanted pig? You think your doing such a good job talking back to me huh?"

"And you think your so funny."

"Doubt you will be so snarky once I dispose your beloved body. Come to think of it, why don't I add that annoying red girl to the hit list? Shame the Fatui didn't get rid of her, I dare say they were far to kind."

"Why you disgusting bitc-"

"N/n!" Albedo thankfully interrupted her.

"*sigh* You're making that face again..." Albedo continued.

"What face?"

"The face you make when 'she' is bothering you. "

Y/n didn't bother to reply, denying that claim will be futile anyways.

"I've said this many times and I'll say it again, if there's anything bothering you, I'm all ears." Albedo reminded.

Y/n sighed, debating on telling him or not. On one hand, she hates burdening other people with her problems, she believes her problems are hers to handle and brave through. However, she can't deny that telling someone her worries will definitely unload some of the pressure.

"I'm just feeling that doubt again. I know I promised to never.... abandon you two but..."Y/n paused for a while to contemplate continuing or not.

"But I'm a magnet for disaster, there will be a day where my fate will catch up to me. I just don't want that to affect yours too. Against a god, I'm far too weak. "Y/n said cheerlessly.

Katana of Corruption  (Genshin impact! Albedo x Vessel! Fem! reader)Where stories live. Discover now